<![CDATA[AWOL Civilization - Blog]]>Tue, 11 Mar 2025 16:13:18 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[All Quiet on the Scamdemic Front]]>Mon, 10 Mar 2025 06:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/all-quiet-on-the-scamdemic-frontThe Trump Administration has skillfully wielded the chainsaw against the outrageous excesses of the Left, throughout the vast machinery of the Deep State. These moves have been decisive, vigorous, and rapid.

One task that remains to be addressed, however, is the undoing of the Scamdemic. The only action of significance, as far as I know, is that the military has reinstated and compensated those who refused the mRNA death shots. But beyond this, I can’t recall any newsworthy measures. Did I miss something? Perhaps RFK Jr. and associates are hatching a big event, but one would expect at least a preliminary announcement, or one of those cozy signing/press conference sessions at the White House.

So far, no investigations, no indictments, no fines, no prison. All those involved in a crime against humanity are walking around free, and in many cases, working diligently on their next assault. This was apparent, for example, in the ridiculous “Stargate” press conference of January 21, in which Larry Ellison boasted of a new round of mRNA “vaccines,” this time to cure cancer, no less.

Perhaps it would be too much to ask, if a commission of inquiry could be convened to investigate the multiple levels of fraud and malfeasance involved in the original fabrication and dissemination of the SARS-CoV-2 mythology. But at a minimum, punish the instigators of the lockdowns and the murderous hospital protocols, and above all, the criminals responsible for the injections of poison that killed and maimed millions.

In my post of 12/9/24, I cited Edward Dowd, who asserted that if all mRNA “vaccines” are not recalled from the market within six months of the inauguration, then we may conclude that Big Pharma is too big to touch, and/or that the country cannot handle the truth, and life will go on as if nothing happened. Well, we are admittedly still far from the six-month mark, but the lack of activity is not encouraging.

Even less encouraging is an 
op-ed at Fox News penned by RFK Jr., in which he suddenly becomes a vaccine advocate, to fight the measles "outbreak" in Texas. In a stunning about-face reminiscent of the Scamdemic playbook, he tells us that 
"vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons." Huh? Was this article ghost-written by Dr. Fauci?

We must not allow the Scamdemic to be forgotten. No consequences = no accountability = no deterrent against similar crimes in the future.]]>
<![CDATA[Memorable Quotes (no. 10)]]>Sat, 08 Mar 2025 07:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/memorable-quotes-no-10"Socialism is the visionary younger brother of an almost decrepit despotism, whose heir it wants to be....It desires a wealth of executive power, as only despotism had it; indeed, it outdoes everything in the past by striving for the downright destruction of the individual, which it sees as an unjustified luxury of nature, and which it intends to improve into an expedient organ of the community....[Socialism] needs the most submissive subjugation of all citizens of the absolute state....It secretly prepares for reigns of terror, and drives the word 'justice' like a nail into the heads of the semieducated masses, to rob them completely of their reason (after this reason has already suffered a great deal from its semieducation) and to give them a good conscience for the evil game they are supposed to play."

— Friedrich Nietzsche]]>
<![CDATA[Europa, Europa]]>Thu, 06 Mar 2025 15:39:01 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/europa-europaFor the last two and a half centuries, Europe has been plagued by the machinations of socialist and other collectivist movements. These destructive ideologies flare up periodically, causing dislocation, death, and widespread mayhem. To list some of the more notable examples: French Revolution; upheavals of 1848; Paris Commune; Russian Revolution; Nazi regime; and the Woke totalitarian monsters of the current era.

During most of this period, the United States managed to keep its head above water, and not succumb to the great temptation. Over the course of the twentieth century, however, and particularly in the twenty-first, a pernicious collectivist darkness spread itself over the North American land mass.

One result of this phenomenon was an ideological convergence between the regimes in Washington, London, Brussels, Paris, and Berlin. In shockingly coordinated fashion, the “elites” imposed on their countries the mainstreaming of sexual deviancy; demoralization of the native population via importation of violent savages; erosion of the currency, causing rampant inflation; trampling of free expression; and finally, an attack on the biological integrity of the people via injections of poison directly into their bloodstream. A new dark age had truly descended on the West, in its entirety.

This convergence enabled lockstep cooperation in yet another nightmarish project of destruction: the war in Ukraine. It was a NATO campaign, getting the band back together after the fiasco in Afghanistan. The war focused the wrath of the Left on the greatest sinner in Europe, the one major heterodox power standing in the way of the Woke state: Russia.

The Muscovites had never been forgiven for their original sin, which was abandoning the socialist utopia of the USSR. Now they had the gall to beat up the Pussy Riot harridans, eject the NGOs, ban trans this-and-that, and proudly celebrate their national and religious heritage. All of these moves were unpardonable, and stood in need of severe punishment.

But things didn’t go as planned. Russia, though suffering, emerged stronger than ever from the conflict. And now, America has abandoned the coalition of the Woke. Keir Starmer’s comrades in Washington, that miserable assortment of lunatics who ran the country into the ground prior to the inauguration, no longer control the money and munitions spigot.

Now the deranged European leadership is engaging in one last attempt to escalate the Ukraine war into the final cataclysm, which this time will incinerate the continent. They would gladly drop all pretense to benevolence as they obliterate everyone and everything, including themselves, in an orgy of devastation that would make all previous wars look like a schoolyard brawl. This would accomplish their one overriding goal: end Western civilization, once and for all.

Luckily, the material and financial means for success are absent. But don’t ever underestimate the Left. What they lack in practical tactical thinking, they make up in ruthlessness.

The solution is for a segment of Europe’s ruling class to defect to the Trumpian revolution, and take the helm of their governments. If this cannot be achieved, we might see a different band getting back together: The USA and Russia joining forces, as they did in World War II, to expunge a malignant cancer from the heart of Europe. A possible scenario: roll the tanks into Brussels, and rip the Eurocrats from their desks like the Israelis clearing Hamas out of their tunnels.

​Perhaps we will be fortunate, and the madness can be stymied by cutting off the money; economic and diplomatic pressure; U.S. withdrawal from NATO; etc. But we can never be sure what will happen as long as the inmates are running the asylum. Drastic measures might one day be necessary to eliminate one of the greatest threats to peace the world has ever seen.
<![CDATA[Stop With the Bitcoin, Already]]>Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/stop-with-the-bitcoin-alreadyOn Sunday, President Trump reiterated his intention to create a “crypto strategic reserve” for the United States. Besides the usual references to Bitcoin and Ethereum, this time he also mentioned three relatively obscure cryptocurrency thingamajigs: XRP, Solana, and Cardano. In attempting to find out what these entities really are, I stumbled across this definition of Cardano: “A decentralized, open-source blockchain network that can execute peer-to-peer transactions and serve as a platform for deploying smart contracts.” On its website, Cardano boasts that it is “a blockchain platform for changemakers, innovators, and visionaries, with the tools and technologies required to create possibility for the many, as well as the few, and bring about positive global change.”

Translation: Very powerful people are creating make-believe digital toys and marketing them in a sophisticated pump-and-dump scheme that has already yielded untold billions of dollars. In the 24 hours following Mr. Trump’s announcement, the price of Cardano rocketed upward by nearly 50 percent. Now that’s some positive global change, right there.

This whole crypto game is getting completely out of hand. There is an element within the Trump Administration, along with some of the President’s big-money backers, that is capitalizing on the financial woes of the country by sucking the last blood out of the nation’s fiscal corpse before the cadaver is sent from the morgue to the graveyard.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Congress responds to the challenge of $36 trillion in national debt by formulating a budget proposal that will actually increase spending. Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Government complicity in the crypto swindle is of a piece with the proposed “sovereign wealth fund” that will, in the words of Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, “monetize the asset side of the US balance sheet for the American people. We are going to put the assets to work, and I think it's going to be very exciting….There'll be a combination of liquid assets, assets that we have in this country, as we work to bring them out for the American people.”

Translation: We’re bankrupt, so we’re going to have a national foreclosure sale and sell everything that isn’t nailed down. Wait, on second thought, even what is nailed down can be “monetized” or “tokenized” or put on the “blockchain,” or whatever. Yes, Mr. Bessent, it is very exciting indeed, especially for the vultures who will be feasting on the carrion.

The Trump Administration has done great work in exposing and dismantling some of the nation’s worst scams, such as green energy, diversity, and the Ukraine money laundromat. But please, please, do not replace these scams with new grifts that threaten to derail your excellent accomplishments.
<![CDATA[The Prophet of Peak Leftism]]>Sat, 01 Mar 2025 13:31:58 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/the-prophet-of-peak-leftismZelensky is not a politician, nor is he the leader of a country, in the usual sense of the term. His role is much different: He is a holy man, a prophet. He is the personification, the living symbol, the messianic incarnation of Peak Leftism in its gnostic twenty-first century form. And, as befits the current era, he is obnoxious, ruthless, vulgar, and kitsch. This is the man the Left has been fawning over these past ten years. It could not have been scripted any better.

If you threw Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Bolton, King Charles, and Klaus Schwab into a blender, ran it on high, stuck it in the freezer, and pulled it out a week later to thaw, out would pop Zelensky, already dressed in his cheesy imitation Che Guevara outfit.

The prophet may have overplayed his hand at the White House, but in his mind, he is feathering his nest to prepare for the next stage of his career. Zelensky knows the Ukraine jig is up. The only play remaining may very well be to position himself as the ultimate Leftist hero, putting into the shade Greta Thunberg, the Just Stop Oil lunatics, the Pope, George Floyd, etc. When his regime crumbles, he will no doubt be wined and dined at all the hip places, with a first stop in Brussels to commune with the EU/WEF Kommisariat.

No, Mr. Trump, one cannot “negotiate” a “deal” with a prophet. When you are face-to-face with a claimant to the throne of the Left, it is either crush or be crushed. You are confronting a challenge to civilization that will never compromise.
<![CDATA[Freedom of Association]]>Fri, 28 Feb 2025 07:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/freedom-of-associationFew people alive today in the West can remember a time when people were free to associate with whomever they chose. It requires some mental exertion to imagine a society in which a tavern or men’s club could legally exclude women, or a commercial enterprise could hire (or refuse to hire) a person for any reason it pleased—and nobody saw it as any of their damn business.

Though human nature can be suppressed, it usually manages to reassert itself in one form or another. “Birds of a feather flock together” and all that. People find workarounds. In our current world, an approximation of free association is most often achieved via narrowly-defined interest groups. If you establish a gun club, specializing in cowboy-style revolver shooting, you will probably not be bothered by the presence of too many woke lesbian illegal aliens. But this method is far from airtight, and one is always fearful of complaints, lawsuits, and other harassment.

There are, however, a number of loopholes that are entirely legal. For example, the family business, which I believe is still exempt from certain kinds of interference. Another is the residential community with an “over 55” age restriction.

Money certainly helps. If you have a lot of it, you can buy your way into association with a better class of people. You can live in the best neighborhood, send the kids to private school, etc. But this path is not what it used to be, as every word and action is under scrutiny.

A path to free association that once saw widespread use in the U.S. was the ethnic enclave. Remember the tapestry of ethnic neighborhoods in New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and other large cities? The iron fist of “civil rights,” notably the destruction of neighborhood schools via forced integration, put an end to that culture. Once a common feature of American life, today a successful enclave requires extremely high levels of homogeneity and unity. The groups that can still pull it off include the Amish, Orthodox Jews, lower-class blacks, and various Asian nationalities. And let us not forget the Indian reservation, which is the gold standard of exclusivity.

Strong communities and a true aristocracy cannot develop unless people are allowed to segregate themselves into micro-worlds, based on any number of parameters: education, political views, religion, wealth, to name just a few. The difficulty in achieving this detachment accounts for much of the reticence to form families.

Free association manifests itself in effective separation between classes, and in social and occupational groupings that are composed exclusively of a specific human type. These types evolve and are maintained by means of closely-held traditions, and strict rules for recruitment. Naturally, the rules are set by the people within a given domain, not by the legislature.

This ancient social foundation was largely in effect in the U.S. until the 1960s. In Western Europe, it lasted even longer. Today, we still have traces of this structure. Almost every field retains an image, however archaic, of its consummate type: the orchestral conductor with long, unkempt hair; the stocky, wisecracking taxi driver; the stoic, unflappable nurse; the absent-minded professor; the slimy salesman; and so on. Until recently, when you stepped onto a commercial airliner and peered into the cockpit, you were almost guaranteed to see two physically fit white men, former Air Force pilots, clean shaven, with short hair. This is the human type most suited to the task at hand. And it could develop and be sustained only under conditions of free association.

​Obviously, this logical and natural organization of society has been largely destroyed. This accounts for much of our dysfunction and chaos. However, as we transition back to a reality-based world (see my post of 2/10/25), perhaps free association will make a comeback. The dismantling of DEI and other forms of government meddling is an encouraging sign. This must continue until the entire “civil rights” edifice is demolished, to be replaced by a resurgent zeitgeist of liberty, and its corollary, a decentralized, spontaneous ordering of society.
<![CDATA[A Suggestion for the Pope]]>Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:50:03 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/a-suggestion-for-the-popeIt seems that the career of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, otherwise known as Pope Francis, is drawing to a close. Bergoglio has managed to do an excellent imitation of a pope, a sinecure that enabled him to push the woke and Globalist agenda worldwide, these past twelve years. He is a textbook case of infiltrating an organization in order to subvert it.

I will always remember Bergoglio for his impressive 2016 publicity stunt, in which he washed the feet of some Third World savages who were imported into Europe to destroy Western civilization. Well, this neo-Marxist piece of trash will have all of eternity to ponder his complicity in the ongoing stabbing attacks across the continent, not to speak of all the other mayhem.

I have a suggestion for his handlers: Before Bergoglio goes to his resting place in the underworld, administer the PCR test to His Holiness. Then it can be announced that “the Pope died of Covid.” What a splendid finale to his illustrious career! Martyrdom to top it all off!
<![CDATA[Banish the Apparatchiks]]>Mon, 24 Feb 2025 07:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/banish-the-apparatchiksBy now everyone has probably heard about the unfathomable stupidity and ignorance of “journalist” Margaret Brennan, host of CBS’s Face the Nation, who put forth a peculiar thesis about the Holocaust. In a February 16 interview with Secretary of State Marco Rubio, she expressed her horror that Vice-President JD Vance, in his visit to Germany, was meeting with representatives of “the far-right party known as the AfD.” To add to her dismay, Vance “was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide.”

Just when you thought these neo-Marxist apparatchiks could not possibly be more biased, ignorant, and corrupt, they come up with something like this. But it’s par for the course, and no one should be surprised.

The Trump Administration has announced measures to combat the Fake News industry. These include ethics probes by the FCC, cancellation of subscriptions, and elimination of privileges given to certain outlets at the White House and the Pentagon. This in addition to the ongoing elimination of Federal slush funds for Leftist organizations (such as the BBC), money that had been laundered via US AID and other channels.

These are excellent first steps, but much more is needed. If the goal is to stop and reverse this malignant disease, we first need a more accurate diagnosis. As happens so often, the road to recovery begins with the use of correct terminology.

Calling them the Mainstream media or even the Legacy media gives them credibility as news media. When Americans, particularly the older cohort, think of the press, we naively imagine hard-nosed reporters fighting organized crime or city hall, and otherwise serving the public, like this. But anything remotely resembling this quaint image ceased to exist years ago. The likes of CNN, the New York Times, Yahoo, CBS, the Washington Post, Associated Press, etc. are not news media. They are propaganda organs of the Leftist establishment; its public relations arm, if you will. They serve the same function as Pravda in the Soviet Union.

We must stop referring to them as “the media,” of any kind whatsoever.

There is no reason to have Soviet-style propaganda organs present at any government event, especially press conferences—which should be reserved for the press. Why on earth should these degenerates-in-a-suit be there, badgering the President (or some other official) with lies, distortions, and “gotcha” questions? Any “journalists” engaging in this practise should be forthwith excluded from the privilege of attending a press conference. Everyone has their personal biases, but shifty and deceitful Leftist behavior should not be tolerated.

Instead, reserve these slots for legitimate producers of news. The internet is bursting at the seams with organizations and individuals who fit the bill. They are the real media, serving the public by providing useful information in an intelligent manner.

The Trump Administration is cleaning house, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse throughout Washington, DC. They are vigorously purging entrenched woke ideologues from all government institutions. There should be no exemption for the Deep State’s propaganda mouthpieces. Cut off the money and cut off the access. They can exercise their First Amendment rights from their mother’s basement.

We began this post with the Nazis; let us end there: Allowing these fraudsters to be the filter through which millions of people receive information about the government would be like the Allied armies, after crossing the Rhine into Germany in 1945, appointing Joseph Goebbels as their press secretary.
<![CDATA[Of Human Bonds]]>Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:00:00 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/of-human-bondsAs more and more of the business of life is conducted electronically, one might be tempted to pause and consider the advisability of this trend. I believe that in most cases, the abandonment or minimization of in-person contact is detrimental to the future health of mankind.

Our species has a deep need for community, and the online world is a cheap substitute for the real item. Think of the small town or urban neighborhood of yesteryear. Its beating heart is Main Street, the primary thoroughfare of commerce, where flesh-and-blood humans interact to meet each other’s basic needs. They exchange physical money for physical goods; a value-for-value transaction occurs. Meanwhile, the humans speak to each other, cementing the bonds of community. Even the most trivial small talk helps to fulfill this function.

This is one reason why using cash is so important. Granted, our fiat currency is a pale derivative, far removed from real money. Nevertheless, some-thing at least is being exchanged. Cash is a key vestige of meaningful human interaction in commerce. This is gone when you interract with a screen, avoiding the direct transfer of an object of value to the person with whom the transaction is made (if a person is even present).

Returning now to the small town/urban neighborhood model: Expanding outward from the commerce of Main Street, we see schools, churches, playgrounds, parks, stadiums, courts, and the private offices of physicians. All of these are the scene of face-to-face encounters, most involving (gasp) actual physical contact.

Schools, universities, and the learning of trades can never complete their mission in an online environment. Sure, via a computer screen a person can accumulate facts, but not craft. Craftsmanship, including in the white-collar world, can be acquired only from live human interaction. One must see the trade being practised, and receive on-the-spot feedback for one’s own tentative efforts. This is why true experts almost always had a tutor, mentor, master, or coach to guide them in the early days, and even throughout their careers.

Let us take a step back from this later stage of education, and consider child-rearing. The creation of offspring is obviously a physical, in-person act, but so is proper upbringing. Once again, only live human role models can do the job. Integrity, character, honesty, etc. cannot be transmitted on line. My heart breaks when I see a parent giving a child, often a very small one, a screen of some kind to play with. I wonder whether this phenomenon contributes to the plague of autism-like behavior among our youth.

We lament the rise of loneliness and alienation in our society. The causes are many and varied, but part of the story is surely the factors cited above. Of all the manifestations of the dehumanized society, one that is emblematic, in my mind, is “working from home.” Very few individuals possess the maturity and intelligence to work effectively in this manner. For the vast majority, it is the adult equivalent of playing hooky. This computer-age farce contributes to the angst that sits on us like a heavy fog.

The infamous lockdowns, along with other totalitarian measures, led to the normalization of “working” from home. The bonds of human society were degraded. Small business was dealt a blow. Feelings of alienation were exacerbated.

​The building of real community, from out of the miasma that is contemporary Western civilization, would require the curtailment of lawlessness on our city streets. It also would 
require the restoration of freedom of association. I will cover this concept in a separate post.
<![CDATA[Memorable Quotes (no. 9)]]>Wed, 19 Feb 2025 11:50:24 GMThttp://awolcivilization.net/blog/memorable-quotes-no-9“What the gentleman seeks, he seeks within himself; what the small man seeks, he seeks in others.”

— Confucious (The Analects, XV.21)