For the last two and a half centuries, Europe has been plagued by the machinations of socialist and other collectivist movements. These destructive ideologies flare up periodically, causing dislocation, death, and widespread mayhem. To list some of the more notable examples: French Revolution; upheavals of 1848; Paris Commune; Russian Revolution; Nazi regime; and the Woke totalitarian monsters of the current era.
During most of this period, the United States managed to keep its head above water, and not succumb to the great temptation. Over the course of the twentieth century, however, and particularly in the twenty-first, a pernicious collectivist darkness spread itself over the North American land mass. One result of this phenomenon was an ideological convergence between the regimes in Washington, London, Brussels, Paris, and Berlin. In shockingly coordinated fashion, the “elites” imposed on their countries the mainstreaming of sexual deviancy; demoralization of the native population via importation of violent savages; erosion of the currency, causing rampant inflation; trampling of free expression; and finally, an attack on the biological integrity of the people via injections of poison directly into their bloodstream. A new dark age had truly descended on the West, in its entirety. This convergence enabled lockstep cooperation in yet another nightmarish project of destruction: the war in Ukraine. It was a NATO campaign, getting the band back together after the fiasco in Afghanistan. The war focused the wrath of the Left on the greatest sinner in Europe, the one major heterodox power standing in the way of the Woke state: Russia. The Muscovites had never been forgiven for their original sin, which was abandoning the socialist utopia of the USSR. Now they had the gall to beat up the Pussy Riot harridans, eject the NGOs, ban trans this-and-that, and proudly celebrate their national and religious heritage. All of these moves were unpardonable, and stood in need of severe punishment. But things didn’t go as planned. Russia, though suffering, emerged stronger than ever from the conflict. And now, America has abandoned the coalition of the Woke. Keir Starmer’s comrades in Washington, that miserable assortment of lunatics who ran the country into the ground prior to the inauguration, no longer control the money and munitions spigot. Now the deranged European leadership is engaging in one last attempt to escalate the Ukraine war into the final cataclysm, which this time will incinerate the continent. They would gladly drop all pretense to benevolence as they obliterate everyone and everything, including themselves, in an orgy of devastation that would make all previous wars look like a schoolyard brawl. This would accomplish their one overriding goal: end Western civilization, once and for all. Luckily, the material and financial means for success are absent. But don’t ever underestimate the Left. What they lack in practical tactical thinking, they make up in ruthlessness. The solution is for a segment of Europe’s ruling class to defect to the Trumpian revolution, and take the helm of their governments. If this cannot be achieved, we might see a different band getting back together: The USA and Russia joining forces, as they did in World War II, to expunge a malignant cancer from the heart of Europe. A possible scenario: roll the tanks into Brussels, and rip the Eurocrats from their desks like the Israelis clearing Hamas out of their tunnels. Perhaps we will be fortunate, and the madness can be stymied by cutting off the money; economic and diplomatic pressure; U.S. withdrawal from NATO; etc. But we can never be sure what will happen as long as the inmates are running the asylum. Drastic measures might one day be necessary to eliminate one of the greatest threats to peace the world has ever seen.
Zelensky is not a politician, nor is he the leader of a country, in the usual sense of the term. His role is much different: He is a holy man, a prophet. He is the personification, the living symbol, the messianic incarnation of Peak Leftism in its gnostic twenty-first century form. And, as befits the current era, he is obnoxious, ruthless, vulgar, and kitsch. This is the man the Left has been fawning over these past ten years. It could not have been scripted any better.
If you threw Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Bolton, King Charles, and Klaus Schwab into a blender, ran it on high, stuck it in the freezer, and pulled it out a week later to thaw, out would pop Zelensky, already dressed in his cheesy imitation Che Guevara outfit. The prophet may have overplayed his hand at the White House, but in his mind, he is feathering his nest to prepare for the next stage of his career. Zelensky knows the Ukraine jig is up. The only play remaining may very well be to position himself as the ultimate Leftist hero, putting into the shade Greta Thunberg, the Just Stop Oil lunatics, the Pope, George Floyd, etc. When his regime crumbles, he will no doubt be wined and dined at all the hip places, with a first stop in Brussels to commune with the EU/WEF Kommisariat. No, Mr. Trump, one cannot “negotiate” a “deal” with a prophet. When you are face-to-face with a claimant to the throne of the Left, it is either crush or be crushed. You are confronting a challenge to civilization that will never compromise. It seems that the career of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, otherwise known as Pope Francis, is drawing to a close. Bergoglio has managed to do an excellent imitation of a pope, a sinecure that enabled him to push the woke and Globalist agenda worldwide, these past twelve years. He is a textbook case of infiltrating an organization in order to subvert it.
I will always remember Bergoglio for his impressive 2016 publicity stunt, in which he washed the feet of some Third World savages who were imported into Europe to destroy Western civilization. Well, this neo-Marxist piece of trash will have all of eternity to ponder his complicity in the ongoing stabbing attacks across the continent, not to speak of all the other mayhem. I have a suggestion for his handlers: Before Bergoglio goes to his resting place in the underworld, administer the PCR test to His Holiness. Then it can be announced that “the Pope died of Covid.” What a splendid finale to his illustrious career! Martyrdom to top it all off! Alongside the much-deserved praise and optimism voiced during the first days of the Trump Administration, it is imperative to sound the alarm over the new “Stargate” project. One cannot possibly overstate the threat posed by this enormous AI initiative, which has an insidious “medical” component.
At his press conference of January 21st, the President stood beside the three principals of Stargate: Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle; Sam Altman, of OpenAI; and Masayoshi Son, of Softbank. We are informed that this consortium will cough up $500 billion to finish construction of ten enormous (half-million square foot) AI data centers in Texas. In my post of 1/15/2025, I outlined the reasons why AI is a boondoggle that will accelerate the deterioration of our society. This is bad enough, and I am dismayed to see our President lending his prestige to this effort. In the case of Stargate, however, the danger far exceeds the adverse impact of AI alone. The press conference opens with a tedious round of mutual adoration; pie-in-the-sky declarations of this great boon to humanity; how wonderful it is that America is taking the lead; the hundreds of thousands of jobs to be created; and other nauseating blather. The fun begins at the 4:25 mark, when Larry Ellison takes the floor. This ghoulish creep tells us that Stargate will bring us untold benefits in the medical arena. (My antennae spring up when hearing that word.) Apparently, it will exponentially swell the reservoir of “electronic health records.” Did you perhaps think that we’re already drowning in electronic health records? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Stargate will create databases that will log and analyze every health event of the entire population—all to “help doctors understand their patients” and to conjure up “better healthcare plans.” What, even better than Obamacare? Not to be outdone by the repulsive Ellison or the clownish Masayoshi Son, Sam Altman steps up to the podium. You could not invent a more cartoonish representation of the arrogant, uncultured, nouveau-riche tech billionaire. Dripping with fake sincerity, speaking in that faggy, uptalking, verbal fry, he boasts that Stargate will cure disease, ushering in a new era for humanity (there’s that word again). Cancer, particularly, will soon be a thing of the past. Altman steps away from the podium, and Ellison (at 10:05) asks for permission to expand on this topic. Now he lets the cat out of the bag. Cancer, so says Ellison, will finally be licked by means of a vaccine. “This is one of the most exciting things we’re working on,” he says, with palpable enthusiasm in his voice. Here’s how it works: “Little fragments of cancer tumors float around in your blood. So you can do early cancer detection. If you can do it using AI, you can do early cancer detection with a blood test and using AI to look at the blood test. Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person—design a vaccine for every individual person that vaccinates them against that cancer. That mRNA vaccine, you can make that robotically, again using AI, in about 48 hours.” Gosh, why didn’t I think of that? A personalized mRNA death jab, forsooth. And a nice little robot makes it for you within 48 hours. Hmm…I wonder who might be tasked with manufacturing that potion…Could the name of the company possibly start with the letter P? And naturally they’ll have immunity from liability, because, you know, vaccines. Add a few more AI data centers, and maybe soon we’ll have instant dispensing of these poison concoctions. It could be a booth at Walgreen’s, completely automated of course, where you get your blood test, walk around the store for a few minutes, get called back to the booth, and receive your diagnosis and the corresponding mRNA-based genetic manipulation drug. “Would you like a pill or a gummy?” Winning! Is there a limit to the bloodlust of these psychopathic, globalist, post-human control freaks? The scamdemic wasn’t enough, it seems, to satisfy their craving for power and chaos. Seeing these lunatics alongside Trump, I couldn’t help remembering the scenes with Fauci & Co. in that other brazen attack on our society. Oh Lord, not again! This madness must be stopped immediately. RFK Jr., you’re wanted on the white courtesy phone. Recent headlines have informed a wider audience that Muslim rape gangs are running amok in Britain. This has been known for some time, but it took the power and reach of Elon Musk and others to catapult the issue to prominence.
This sickening chapter in the destruction of old Blighty is not strictly about pedophilia, although the rape and torture victims are very young. Nor is the core issue Muslim degeneracy, although clearly we are witnessing an open display of such. Rather, the crux of the matter is the purposeful importation of primitive Third World tribes as bioweapons to degrade and destroy the native population. The importation of human bioweapons into Europe sprang from the same psychopathic brains that gave us lockdowns, transgender madness, death jabs, and totalitarian measures to “save democracy.” All of these are cut from the same ideological cloth. All are weapons of war. Chaos has been the intent from the outset. Multiculti benetton kumbaya diversity blah blah blah—Fuhgeddaboudit. The results of planting these savages in the middle of England (or France, Germany, Sweden, etc.) are predictable with 100% accuracy. The 1400 years of Islamic history make it crystal clear as to what we could expect. Throw the "South Asian" rapists in prison and throw away the key. But don't blame them for this mess. They're pawns in the game. Muslims are gonna Muslim; a leopard can’t change its spots. Disruptions, often violent, will occur whenever you transplant a distinct and unified group into a culture with significantly different values, beliefs, and behavioral patterns. If your clean and safe Arizona town suddenly receives a huge influx of woke Leftist wealthy white Californians, you will soon be experiencing crime, social disarray, and urban blight. Conversely, if Pakistan suddenly became twenty percent Norwegian, there would be outbreaks of nonviolence, rule of law, personal responsibility, and orderly commerce. There is no mystery in any of this. I lived part of my childhood in London; that was back in the early 1970s. It might as well have been on a different planet. The city was safe and pleasant. I could travel alone or with a friend to any neighborhood, at any time of day, without the slightest fear. I don’t think that young people today could imagine that such a thing were possible. I grieve for the old London, and the rest of Europe, which is teetering on the edge of the precipice. We in America are heading for a similar fate, though possibly not quite as rapidly. But on both sides of the pond, unless there are drastic changes, all roads lead to extinction of European man. If Europe, our homeland, goes under, it will be a catastrophe, and will make it even more difficult for North America to keep its head above water. For decades, the U.S. Deep State has been advancing the woke agenda around the world, including the subversion of efforts to stop “refugees” and “migrants” (i.e., the bioweapons) from pouring into European countries. Presumably, with the incoming Trump Administration, this shameful chapter in American history will come to an end. The American foreign policy and espionage establishment is in love with “color revolution” and regime change. What we need is a new kind of regime change, one that liberates the people from treasonous Leftist leaders who are bent on the annihilation of their own nations. In yet another outrage from the scorched-earth Biden regime, the low-lifes running the White House awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to (among others) Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Bestowing this high honor on the Wicked Witch of the West borders on the comical, but laying the ribbon around the neck of Soros is one of the most brazen middle fingers that the outgoing criminal cabal has ever thrust in America’s face.
This act is further indication, as if we needed it, that the cabal has no fear. Why should they; if everything proceeds as it has in the past, then the change of administration is for them just a temporary blip. Here is the likely thought process of a Jake Sullivan or a Karine Jean-Pierre as they box up their coffee makers and dog photos: After leaving the White House, I’ll get a cushy job at the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, or some other think tank or NGO. Periodic interviews on CNN to spice things up. Come January 2029 (or sooner, if we eliminate Literally Hitler), I can complete the round trip back to my old desk, or a better desk somewhere else within the Beltway. Conservative media is always chock full of assertions that so-and-so Swamp dweller is running scared, worried stiff that his time is up. These declarations are often heard after some atrocious mischief has been uncovered. All well and good, but you can expose Deep State wrongdoing until the cows come home, and it simply does not matter to these people. You are publicizing behavior of which they are proud. Scathing commentary and shocking exposés do, however, provide important information to our side. It gives us more ammunition to fight the propaganda battles, and it helps convince people who are on the fence. But it will not halt Leftist criminality and treason. Remember 2016, and “lock her up”? Do we really think that Madame Clinton was shaking with trepidation upon hearing those words? When the threat was exposed as mere bluster, her fame and status among the “elite” increased by leaps and bounds. She became an even stronger role model for countless Woke harridans. And now to top it off, the Freedom medal. (Another prestigious institution bites the dust. When these creeps are mentioned in the same breath as “freedom,” it reminds me of Yasir Arafat receiving the Nobel “Peace” Prize.) Only one thing will stop the Left: consequences. Brutal, real-world consequences for their malfeasance. This means, first and foremost, prison time. Obviously, nothing of the sort occurred during Trump’s first term. On the contrary, it looked like the sequel to Night of the Living Dead, with the zombies rising from their graves. I am hoping that this time will be different. But if no one wears the orange jumpsuit within six months of the inauguration, we will know that it’s business as usual in the Swamp. There would be nothing to disincentivize their psychopathic behavior. Why change their ways? They may be crazy, but they’re not stupid. Perhaps the Harridan-in-Chief will finally come out of the closet and declare that she’s a man. Then she can share a jail cell with her buddy George. Thank God we still have a few true statesmen left in the world. One of my favorites these days is Viktor Orban. The Hungarian prime minister has refused to allow his country to be dragged into the mire of globalist and “progressive” mischief that has characterized the West for decades.
His latest poke in the eye of the Leftist cyclops: Ignoring the arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, issued last week by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Orban has invited his Israeli counterpart to visit Hungary, in defiance of the warrant. Orban can see right through the ICC charade. These midwit woke bureaucrats sit in The Hague and issue their pompous edicts, as if from Mount Olympus. I suppose that if they experience too much pushback from this latest escapade, they can always arrest some global-warming denier for “genocide.” Mr. Netanyahu is in good company. In March 2023, a similar ICC arrest warrant was directed at Russian President Vladimir Putin. I wonder if Russia’s list of potential targets for the Oreshnik missile includes a certain address in the Netherlands. As of this writing, we are in the thick of the Ukraine Missile Crisis. The French government, not wanting to be left out of this festival of dysfunction, gave permission for its own long-range missiles to be lobbed into Russia. Ça me fait chier, as anyone with half a brain in France must be saying right about now. Who’s next? Does Australia have any missiles that would qualify for the party?
The sheer idiocy on display among the rulers of the “Collective West” has gone off the scale and out the door. On second thought, the factors that we normally use to explain unfathomably bad policy⸺idiocy, greed, incompetence, etc.⸺are no longer applicable in this case. Something more nefarious is at play. This is nothing short of mental illness. Never has the phrase “the inmates are running the asylum” been more apt. Think of our “elites,” our so-called leaders. Macron, Starmer, Biden, Jake Sullivan, Scholz, Ursula von der Leyen, and their less visible minions: creeps and nutjobs one and all. Think of the damage they have caused in other realms, and of their sick pronouncements. Lunacy! Don’t bother trying to convince these people to alter course. As with spoiled children, an adult must put an end to the misbehavior. I am certain that there are individuals close to the throne who are in a position to accomplish this. Thus far, they have been reticent to act, or to act with sufficient force. Now, however, the prospect of annihilation may provide the incentive to take the necessary steps. We shall see. I believe that the same principle applies in other areas of public life. Our psychopathic ruling class can only be stopped by others; they will never stop themselves. |
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March 2025
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