"Socialism is the visionary younger brother of an almost decrepit despotism, whose heir it wants to be....It desires a wealth of executive power, as only despotism had it; indeed, it outdoes everything in the past by striving for the downright destruction of the individual, which it sees as an unjustified luxury of nature, and which it intends to improve into an expedient organ of the community....[Socialism] needs the most submissive subjugation of all citizens of the absolute state....It secretly prepares for reigns of terror, and drives the word 'justice' like a nail into the heads of the semieducated masses, to rob them completely of their reason (after this reason has already suffered a great deal from its semieducation) and to give them a good conscience for the evil game they are supposed to play."
— Friedrich Nietzsche
For the last two and a half centuries, Europe has been plagued by the machinations of socialist and other collectivist movements. These destructive ideologies flare up periodically, causing dislocation, death, and widespread mayhem. To list some of the more notable examples: French Revolution; upheavals of 1848; Paris Commune; Russian Revolution; Nazi regime; and the Woke totalitarian monsters of the current era.
During most of this period, the United States managed to keep its head above water, and not succumb to the great temptation. Over the course of the twentieth century, however, and particularly in the twenty-first, a pernicious collectivist darkness spread itself over the North American land mass. One result of this phenomenon was an ideological convergence between the regimes in Washington, London, Brussels, Paris, and Berlin. In shockingly coordinated fashion, the “elites” imposed on their countries the mainstreaming of sexual deviancy; demoralization of the native population via importation of violent savages; erosion of the currency, causing rampant inflation; trampling of free expression; and finally, an attack on the biological integrity of the people via injections of poison directly into their bloodstream. A new dark age had truly descended on the West, in its entirety. This convergence enabled lockstep cooperation in yet another nightmarish project of destruction: the war in Ukraine. It was a NATO campaign, getting the band back together after the fiasco in Afghanistan. The war focused the wrath of the Left on the greatest sinner in Europe, the one major heterodox power standing in the way of the Woke state: Russia. The Muscovites had never been forgiven for their original sin, which was abandoning the socialist utopia of the USSR. Now they had the gall to beat up the Pussy Riot harridans, eject the NGOs, ban trans this-and-that, and proudly celebrate their national and religious heritage. All of these moves were unpardonable, and stood in need of severe punishment. But things didn’t go as planned. Russia, though suffering, emerged stronger than ever from the conflict. And now, America has abandoned the coalition of the Woke. Keir Starmer’s comrades in Washington, that miserable assortment of lunatics who ran the country into the ground prior to the inauguration, no longer control the money and munitions spigot. Now the deranged European leadership is engaging in one last attempt to escalate the Ukraine war into the final cataclysm, which this time will incinerate the continent. They would gladly drop all pretense to benevolence as they obliterate everyone and everything, including themselves, in an orgy of devastation that would make all previous wars look like a schoolyard brawl. This would accomplish their one overriding goal: end Western civilization, once and for all. Luckily, the material and financial means for success are absent. But don’t ever underestimate the Left. What they lack in practical tactical thinking, they make up in ruthlessness. The solution is for a segment of Europe’s ruling class to defect to the Trumpian revolution, and take the helm of their governments. If this cannot be achieved, we might see a different band getting back together: The USA and Russia joining forces, as they did in World War II, to expunge a malignant cancer from the heart of Europe. A possible scenario: roll the tanks into Brussels, and rip the Eurocrats from their desks like the Israelis clearing Hamas out of their tunnels. Perhaps we will be fortunate, and the madness can be stymied by cutting off the money; economic and diplomatic pressure; U.S. withdrawal from NATO; etc. But we can never be sure what will happen as long as the inmates are running the asylum. Drastic measures might one day be necessary to eliminate one of the greatest threats to peace the world has ever seen. Zelensky is not a politician, nor is he the leader of a country, in the usual sense of the term. His role is much different: He is a holy man, a prophet. He is the personification, the living symbol, the messianic incarnation of Peak Leftism in its gnostic twenty-first century form. And, as befits the current era, he is obnoxious, ruthless, vulgar, and kitsch. This is the man the Left has been fawning over these past ten years. It could not have been scripted any better.
If you threw Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Bolton, King Charles, and Klaus Schwab into a blender, ran it on high, stuck it in the freezer, and pulled it out a week later to thaw, out would pop Zelensky, already dressed in his cheesy imitation Che Guevara outfit. The prophet may have overplayed his hand at the White House, but in his mind, he is feathering his nest to prepare for the next stage of his career. Zelensky knows the Ukraine jig is up. The only play remaining may very well be to position himself as the ultimate Leftist hero, putting into the shade Greta Thunberg, the Just Stop Oil lunatics, the Pope, George Floyd, etc. When his regime crumbles, he will no doubt be wined and dined at all the hip places, with a first stop in Brussels to commune with the EU/WEF Kommisariat. No, Mr. Trump, one cannot “negotiate” a “deal” with a prophet. When you are face-to-face with a claimant to the throne of the Left, it is either crush or be crushed. You are confronting a challenge to civilization that will never compromise. By now everyone has probably heard about the unfathomable stupidity and ignorance of “journalist” Margaret Brennan, host of CBS’s Face the Nation, who put forth a peculiar thesis about the Holocaust. In a February 16 interview with Secretary of State Marco Rubio, she expressed her horror that Vice-President JD Vance, in his visit to Germany, was meeting with representatives of “the far-right party known as the AfD.” To add to her dismay, Vance “was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide.”
Just when you thought these neo-Marxist apparatchiks could not possibly be more biased, ignorant, and corrupt, they come up with something like this. But it’s par for the course, and no one should be surprised. The Trump Administration has announced measures to combat the Fake News industry. These include ethics probes by the FCC, cancellation of subscriptions, and elimination of privileges given to certain outlets at the White House and the Pentagon. This in addition to the ongoing elimination of Federal slush funds for Leftist organizations (such as the BBC), money that had been laundered via US AID and other channels. These are excellent first steps, but much more is needed. If the goal is to stop and reverse this malignant disease, we first need a more accurate diagnosis. As happens so often, the road to recovery begins with the use of correct terminology. Calling them the Mainstream media or even the Legacy media gives them credibility as news media. When Americans, particularly the older cohort, think of the press, we naively imagine hard-nosed reporters fighting organized crime or city hall, and otherwise serving the public, like this. But anything remotely resembling this quaint image ceased to exist years ago. The likes of CNN, the New York Times, Yahoo, CBS, the Washington Post, Associated Press, etc. are not news media. They are propaganda organs of the Leftist establishment; its public relations arm, if you will. They serve the same function as Pravda in the Soviet Union. We must stop referring to them as “the media,” of any kind whatsoever. There is no reason to have Soviet-style propaganda organs present at any government event, especially press conferences—which should be reserved for the press. Why on earth should these degenerates-in-a-suit be there, badgering the President (or some other official) with lies, distortions, and “gotcha” questions? Any “journalists” engaging in this practise should be forthwith excluded from the privilege of attending a press conference. Everyone has their personal biases, but shifty and deceitful Leftist behavior should not be tolerated. Instead, reserve these slots for legitimate producers of news. The internet is bursting at the seams with organizations and individuals who fit the bill. They are the real media, serving the public by providing useful information in an intelligent manner. The Trump Administration is cleaning house, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse throughout Washington, DC. They are vigorously purging entrenched woke ideologues from all government institutions. There should be no exemption for the Deep State’s propaganda mouthpieces. Cut off the money and cut off the access. They can exercise their First Amendment rights from their mother’s basement. We began this post with the Nazis; let us end there: Allowing these fraudsters to be the filter through which millions of people receive information about the government would be like the Allied armies, after crossing the Rhine into Germany in 1945, appointing Joseph Goebbels as their press secretary. When hysterical Leftists claim that President Trump and his associates are seizing power, or engaged in a coup d’état, in a sense they are correct. Over the course of the last century, the Deep State spread its tentacles into every nook and cranny of the Federal apparatus. On January 19, 2025, this entrenched Leftist administrative juggernaut was, for all practical purposes, the government of the United States. The president had become window dressing, a quaint relic of the bygone constitutional republic.
So when Donald Trump & Co. asserted authority over the Executive branch, thinking that the elected president and his appointees are actually in charge of their agencies, they really were trying to overthrow the government. Let us not forget that “our democracy” is a codeword for the Deep State; the function of an election, as in the USSR, is for the People to show their love and affection for the legitimate rulers of the country, not—Lenin forbid—to replace them. How can you replace the true representatives of the People? And thus we have this bizarre coup d’état, where the president is seizing control of the presidency. We need a new word to describe this phenomenon. Autocoup? Retrocoup? Whatever it’s called, Trump really is overturning the established order. This situation produces a host of ludicrous scenes. As I watched one of the signing ceremonies/press conferences, this one featuring Musk, I thought to myself: Trump and Musk are taking a much-deserved victory lap after uncovering the tip of the iceberg of what may be the biggest fraud in the history of man. This is how a normal human being would view it. But the audience in the room is the White House press corps, mostly composed of “journalists” who are essentially propaganda attachés of the Deep State. Musk is taking away their rice bowl. To them, US AID is not subject to the authority of the president, rather it is an independent branch of the government; dismantling it would be akin to abolishing Congress. Trump could expose waste, fraud, and abuse until the cows come home, and the Left wouldn’t care a whit. If a thousand worthless bureaucrats and consultants inside the Beltway each have to pocket a million dollars so that the election of one conservative East European prime minister is nullified, so be it. This is how the U.S. government works. It is absolutely normal, standard operating procedure. And now we have low-level Federal judges ordering President Trump and his Cabinet to keep their hands off the agencies under their purview. This galactic level of chutzpah is the natural outgrowth of the judiciary’s illegal usurpation of power, growing in intensity for decades. Of all the genies that must be stuffed back into the bottle, this is one of the most urgent. I cringed when I heard Trump say, at the aforementioned press conference, that he would obey the judges, and appeal the rulings. Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt confirmed this policy the following day. Did it ever occur to him that the President of the United States is not obligated to obey an illegal order conjured up in the feverish mind of a Leftist lunatic? If a judge tomorrow rules that Trump cannot speak with world leaders, or that the White House staff must all appear in public with ice cream cones protruding from the top of their heads, would he obey that as well? What is the limit of this farce? The Administration is going to appeal?! Does Trump not realize that in the eyes of the Left, he just surrendered to the authority of the Deep State? Does he not remember that his first administration was neutered in the same manner? This cannot be allowed to stand. Where’s our new Attorney-General Pam Bondi, that supposedly tough-as-nails supergirl? Oh, she’s busy bringing lawsuits against governors and other top officials of states (most recently New York) that are sabotaging the Administration’s enforcement of the law against illegal aliens. What is it with conservatives and lawsuits? For goodness sake, we are dealing here with criminals. Appoint a prosecutor, and slap on the handcuffs. The state officials are clearly engaged in obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting a felony, and the judges are fomenting insurrection. These apparatchiks must be behind bars, pronto. Otherwise, the autocoup may fail, and Trump will have little else to do but attend MAGA rallies and rearrange the furniture in the White House. In summary, I will repeat the words of Curtis Yarvin that I quoted in my post of 1/20/25: “Progressives do not believe in the American system of government, only in power. Conservatives do not believe in power, only in the American system of government. Therefore, progressives always win and conservatives always lose.” The Trump Administration has launched a multi-front attack on the slimy tentacles of the Deep State. We have all been witness to the blitzkrieg, and it has provided warmth for our hearts.
This campaign represents the end of an era; or more precisely, it heralds the transition from one era to another. Coming to an end is the modern era of Fantasy, perhaps the greatest and longest of its kind in world history; opening before us is the age of Reality, which is the default state of mankind. To whatever degree Trump and his associates succeed in resuscitating our bruised and battered country, there is no going back to Fantasy world. Even if they fail, whoever takes the reins of power will be staring Reality in the face. It’s here to stay. Our era of Fantasy began with the French Revolution, which instituted a slate of false, imaginary precepts by which man was expected to live. This constituted a mythological system that would put any primitive, superstitious culture to shame. The worst ideas and idols of the Enlightenment were dredged up and repackaged, forming the foundation of the Fantasy system, a foundation upon which we still stand. But not for long. The key ingredient is the myth of Equality. This is the biggest pipe dream of all, and the one upon which all else depends. It has enabled, over time, the construction of a mirror world, a parallel universe. Society devolved into two main divisions: those who perform productive work that results in the fulfillment of real human needs, and a steadily growing parasitic class. Today, virtually every sector is plagued with an internal and antagonistic Reality/Fantasy split. For example, agriculture. The Reality side: farmers, distributors, slaughterhouses, etc. The Fantasy side includes the bureaucrats and “thought leaders” that tell us to stop eating meat, and who bully the farmers into adulterating or destroying their crops and livestock. Once the Big Lie of Equality became entrenched, many other lies followed. Over time, we reach the postmodern society, in which misrepresentation is ubiquitous. We are saddled with fake art, fake religion, fake education, fake scholarship, fake jurisprudence, fake healthcare, and on and on. The never-ending train of lies has been interpreted by some observers to be the approach of the “Leftist singularity”: infinite Leftism in finite time. I believe that we reached something approximating this state of affairs as the Biden regime drew to a close. This is the hornet’s nest that was sliced open by Trump and his people, exposing unimaginable levels of corruption, malfeasance, and treason. In the Leftist singularity, or Fantasy world run amok, society deteriorates into a chaotic, dysfunctional mess. This has caused wealthy, powerful individuals like Elon Musk to defect from Fantasy world to Reality world. A type of fraud that is crucial to the operation of Fantasy world is fake money. Since time immemorial, money has been gold and silver. These are tokens of Reality world. In Fantasy world, money has been abstracted and transmuted, by degrees, into ever more empty and worthless derivatives. Cryptocurrency, the final divorce from Reality, is only the latest in a long line of these progressively more counterfeit forms of “money.” Fake money and its intellectual handmaiden, Keynesian economic theory, transformed debt from an embarrassing, temporary situation to an unquestioned and even praiseworthy status quo. Exponentially rising debt, like the universe exploding outward from the Big Bang, enabled the expansion of government to obscene levels. Needless to say, this has flooded Fantasy world with virtually unlimited resources. Until now. Of all the countless unsustainable aspects of Fantasy world, one in particular is the proximate cause of its demise, the spark that lit the fuse: the unfolding economic and financial collapse of the West. The debt/fake money system has reached the end of the road. The wealth is gone; the productive sector has been hollowed out by the parasites, and the rest of the world is no longer enthusiastic about supplying the goods or buying the debt. There are no suckers left to pay for the fun and games. Small wonder, then, that gold—prime symbol of Reality world—is experiencing a resurgence on the world stage. When it comes to international relations, Trump and everyone else knows that the jig is up. This was acknowledged by Secretary of State Marco Rubio, when he admitted in a recent interview that the unipolar era of American dominance is over, and that we are now reverting to the historical norm of a multipolar world. Say goodbye to American exceptionalism; the dollar as reserve currency; “Pride” flags flying over U.S. embassies; the Fukuyama “end of history” nonsense; neoconservatism; and all the rest of the hokum. Incidentally, the Trump proposal for Gaza, whatever its merits and whatever its eventual result, is the first time an American president has proposed a solution that is based in Reality world. All previous Middle East “peace plans” were rooted in concepts derived from Leftist mythology, and thus doomed to failure. Fantasy world is in its death throes. Sure, it can still twitch in frightening ways, but it is a rotting corpse nevertheless. If Trump didn’t exist, he would have to be invented; someone was needed to officiate at the funeral service. The same applies to the other countries of the "collective West," many of whom are still testing the limits of the Leftist singularity. I do not intend to convey the impression that we are embarking upon some new, golden age. The Trump presidency is only the beginning of a lengthy journey into the unknown. All such interregnums are by definition unstable. We may very well emerge on the other side, healthier and happier. But it is quite possible that we descend into totalitarian madness; a host of thoroughly dystopian scenarios could ambush us. Whichever way it goes, the world as we knew it, the Fantasy world that emerged from the French Revolution, is over. Whatever comes next, good or bad, will be based in Reality. Have you ever noticed that the more woke a person is, the weaker his sense of humor? Leftist belief systems have an inverse correlation with humor; they cause an erosion of the mental faculties required for a humorous disposition.
Humor and woke are as oil and water. Comedy always makes fun of something or somebody. This means that “safe spaces” are being violated with extreme prejudice. Comedy also involves the use of satire and irony, both noticeably lacking among our Leftist friends. How can irony thrive within the soul of a person who looks at a transvestite, and, with a straight face, claims that this is really a woman? Granted, sense of humor is lacking among the majority of the population, of any ideological bent. This is because exercising the art requires a solid foundation of intelligence. Humor is how intelligent people amuse themselves, and relieve the tension in their brains caused by the unending swirl of thoughts and questions. An open-minded fellow of above-average intelligence will tend to see multiple sides to any given situation, predisposing him to sniff out irony. A left-leaning individual of reasonable intelligence may begin to feel the urge to laugh—real belly laughter, the kind that comes only from violating a safe space—but his wrongthink filter (self-censorship) is activated, and the urge is suppressed. We have all seen this on someone’s face, when the soupçon of a grin appears, only to be followed by a disapproving frown when he suddenly realizes that a commandment of the holy order of wokeness is being disobeyed. As intelligence declines, as it has in the West for decades (and at an accelerating pace), humor falls further into disfavor, shunned by morons everywhere. When garden-variety idiocy is combined with wokery, the laughter muscles atrophy. Will the inbreeding of these humanoids over the next couple of generations result in the physical inability to produce an ironic grin? In classic comedy, the joke-maker uses the moron as a foil, a role known as the “straight man.” This is what President Trump does in much of his interaction with the battalions of humorless Leftist (but I repeat myself) “journalists” who wouldn’t recognize satire if it punched them in the face. But there are so many of them, and their handiwork is so prevalent, it often seems that they rule the culture. They do, for the time being, but that supremacy is a mile wide and an inch deep. There are cracks in the edifice. Turning the Left into the butt of our jokes is one element of the cultural, artistic, and intellectual revival that is a prerequisite to the survival of Western civilization. Satire is a weapon that our side has in abundance, and which the Left does not understand, let alone possess. But the successful use of that weapon carries with it an important caveat: It must come on the heels of vigorous exercise of authority on the ground, of real state power; for example, the complete purging of illegal aliens from the territory of the United States. At that point, when CNN interviews a top government official, he can crack jokes that make the interviewer look like the dunce that he is. This will have no immediate effect on the woke “journalist,” as this species has no comprehension of satire, and no capacity for feeling shame. The viewers at home, however, will see this as a victory dance, driving the stake further into the heart of the Leftist vampire. But here’s the caveat: if authority on the ground has not been achieved, the viewers may very well see the use of humor as the pathetic squirming of defeat. Currently there is a feeling in America that we can dismantle the Woke grift apparatus: diversity, the institutionalization of sexual deviancy, the victim shakedowns, the Climate-Industrial Complex, etc. If and when these scams are smashed, we have to prevent their reemergence. The use of mockery will help seal the deal, leading to a zeitgeist in which people are embarrassed to propose the consideration of even the tiniest sliver of such madness. Keep those jokes coming; do not relent. If nothing else, it will help us maintain our own sanity. In one of my posts on the scamdemic (12/3/2024), I referred to the Orwellian phenomenon, “we have always been at war with Eastasia.” In other words, the astonishing capacity of the Left to reverse ideological positions at breakneck speed, and then act as if it had always been that way. Down the memory hole goes the old way of thinking.
In addition to the switcheroo on Big Pharma, who were upgraded from villain to hero, a prime example of this behavior is the treatment of the working class. Once worshiped by the Left, they were downgraded from heroes to Deplorables, and from there to Garbage. Below is a post that I wrote on this subject, on the original AWOL Civilization blog, in 2007. * * * The Redneck Paradox It has become common practice, in polite circles, to mock and deride a certain sector of American society. I am speaking of the ordinary working class, particularly those living far in the hinterland, and those with a strong attachment to traditional values. It is now de rigueur to launch blustering condemnations of this vague yet threatening tribe. People who would never dare utter a word of criticism against a minority feel perfectly at ease disparaging, often viciously, the enemy they alternately refer to as rednecks, white trash, Christian fundamentalists, holy rollers, or crackers. All of these labels blur into an image of the blue-collar guy in the pickup truck. Of course, the more that “tolerance" is preached as a general ideological position, the more vehement the condemnation of the working class. The blinders of political correctness have shut down the possibility of complaining about, or in some cases even perceiving, the real dangers and the really dangerous people. A substitute was needed at which to redirect the emotional energy. Not that there aren’t other targets; the same crowd inveighs against oil companies, Republicans, law enforcement, etc. The difference is that this particular target is composed of people who used to be the darlings of the Left. We’re talking about the proletariat! Who would have thought that the Working Man was destined to become an enemy of the people? But isn’t the Working Man supposed to be oppressed? Robbed of his labor’s surplus-value by greedy capitalists? One of the reasons for this twist of fate is that the Working Man represents one of the last bastions of traditional American values: he works, goes to church, has a family, owns guns, and believes in liberty (the horror). Also, he is less “educated," and thus less exposed and susceptible to the neo-totalitarian brainwashing that has rotted away the minds of much of our population. This resistance is resented by the high priests of collectivism. I realize that economic Marxism has been replaced by cultural Marxism, and local oppressed masses by Third World oppressed masses. But still, is it not ironic that our latter-day Marxists detest the proletariat? It’s the Redneck Paradox. All eyes are on Donald Trump as he moves into the White House for his second term as president. Expectations are high that he and his associates will be able to resuscitate a once-great nation that has fallen into disarray. We are all breathing a huge sigh of relief, as if waking from a nightmare. No matter what Trump & Co. are able (or not able) to accomplish, we dodged a bullet. Even in the waning days of the Biden regime, the scoundrels demonstrated on a daily basis the depth of their depravity. Never has America been subjected to the rule of such wretched swine.
There have been signs of life in the body politic, as the nation shakes off its chains. One example is the shunning of Woke ideology in the corporate world. Another is legislative initiatives that seek to restore integrity to our broken election process. Despite the encouraging trend, we cannot be complacent. The road to recovery has only just begun. We must applaud whenever positive steps are taken by the new administration, but push back whenever they stray from effective tactics. Foremost in our minds should be the words of that shrewd observer of the political scene, Curtis Yarvin: “Progressives do not believe in the American system of government, only in power. Conservatives do not believe in power, only in the American system of government. Therefore, progressives always win and conservatives always lose.” Never forget this profound insight, not for a minute. The Left is all about power, and they will do everything and anything to attain and hold it. Unfortunately, too many Conservatives view them as the “opposition” (albeit one that is increasingly unhinged) with whom we engage in debate and rational discourse. Does anyone really think it is possible to “reach across the aisle,” to have a rational discussion with the lunatics that spearhead the Democratic Party? They are at war with European civilization, and view it as an enemy to be annihilated. To borrow a phrase from Nietzsche, we let them become our priesthood when we should have been building madhouses for them. If one side wages war, the other must respond appropriately or face defeat. I have previously written about several requirements of this appropriate response; for example, imposing severe consequences, especially prison time, as a punishment and deterrent for Leftist criminality and treason. I now wish to elucidate an additional requirement: the avoidance of blind alleys, rabbit holes, and wild goose chases. Our side has pursued many of these, and the Left is only too happy to assist us in this labor. “Point at a deer and call it a horse,” as the Chinese say. Following are a few of these counterproductive pursuits. Some are total fiction; some are half-truths; some are merely inconsequential. All are wastes of time, energy, and money. All prevent us from concentrating on the true sources and mechanics of Leftist power. Constant awareness of these traps is critical, as the Left will surely exploit every possible weakness in order to sabotage America’s renaissance. 1. The sky is falling. This category of wild goose chase includes UFOs, drones, spy balloons, chemtrails, and weather control. Sometimes I feel as if we’re living in a cheesy 1950s sci-fi flick. Does anyone remember these things more than two weeks after the initial huffing and puffing dies down? Classic fearmongering and don’t-look-here-look-there. 2. The man behind the curtain. Some among us think they are being sophisticated by insisting that, for any outrage from the Left, there is ultimately some small clique pulling the strings behind the scenes. The people you see, so goes the story, are merely puppets. Now, of course there are big fish and little fish, officers and soldiers, opinion-makers and useful idiots. But the argument is carried to extremes. Whenever you point to a powerful person who has caused significant damage, well, “he’s just a pawn.” No matter how high up the food chain, there is always an unnamed Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. The result of this line of thinking: We are hindered from focusing our efforts. A variant of the man-behind-the-curtain rabbit hole is “all wars are bankers’ wars.” When I hear this historically illiterate assertion, I can’t help thinking of two primitive tribes battling it out in the Kalahari Desert or the rain forests of the Amazon. The people who are mouthing this gibberish are usually well-intentioned folk who are overly focused on the financial and banking system. Once again, if you zoom in on a bad actor high up in the financial world, you'll be told that “he’s just a puppet; the central banks control everything.” No, they don’t. Powerful, yes; all-powerful, no. 3. The one percenters. This amorphous statistical entity is supposedly the cause of numerous ills. The allegations, however, are merely repackaged, reheated Marxist blather. In fact, whenever income percentile is cited as if it were some sort of ethnic group, the alarm bells should be ringing. It is a prime example of, to use the Marxist term of art, false consciousness. The Leftist Establishment does of course include plenty of ultra-wealthy individuals, but it also counts among its key personnel many who are not in that category. Conversely, many people with deep pockets are in our camp, or at least willing to “play ball.” 4. Q-Anon, “trust the plan,” 4d chess, etc. If, God forbid, as in Trump 1.0 things turn sour, may we have the strength to look reality in the eye, and not comfort ourselves by believing in fantasy worlds, some of which are of dubious origin. 5. Bitcoin. An enormous reservoir of anti-Establishment energy was squandered on the blind alley of crypto-currency. We all witnessed the endless parade of young “influencers,” with a twinkle in their eye, who tried to explain to us old geezers how their electronic messiah was going to usher in the Libertarian paradise. What can you expect from a generation that grew up with computer screens more familiar to them than their mother’s face? Anyone with a rudimentary command of logic could see that this paean to nothingness was going to end badly. Whether Bitcoin was a preplanned Deep State psy-op, or they simply hopped on the bandwagon, the early promise of an escape from government control has evaporated, leaving nothing but raw greed in its place. Let us hope that the pro-Bitcoin proposals coming from Mr. Trump were just so much campaign rhetoric, and soon will be shelved. Wowie-zowie tech stuff, such as muh Blockchain, is not going to defeat the Left. Stick to the basics. 6. Ultra-processed foods. Certainly, many ingredients and processes involved in food production are hazardous to our health, but going too far down this path deflects our attention from the immediate and drastic threats to our food supply. These are, first and foremost, mRNA-based genetic manipulation, as well as the destruction of livestock on the pretext of “bird flu” or some such hysteria. I trust that RFK Jr. and his lieutenants are fully aware of the situation, and will act swiftly and decisively. 7. Gain of function. One of the most difficult things for a person to admit is that he was played for a sucker. Almost all of our people realize that the secondary effects of the scamdemic were atrocious: lockdowns, destruction of small business, fiscal and monetary incontinence, masks, social distancing, etc. A smaller but still significant number acknowledge the lethal nature of the jabs. But far too few could resist the myth that some horrible new disease was spreading like wildfire through the population. The Left has gleefully exploited this propaganda victory, deflecting our potential scrutiny onto narratives of Chinese conspiracies, lab leaks, gain of function, withholding Ivermectin, and other irrelevant sideshows. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the real psy-op, at the heart of the scamdemic, scurry off into the darkness. Consider for example the decision-makers in mass media, who dutifully disseminated, in lock-step, the fabricated “science” coming out of the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex. Their preemptive response to potential accusations of malfeasance: CHINA! LAB LEAKS! FAUCI LET THE COOTIES OUT! No, what Fauci did was to serve as the kind, grandfatherly face of what was possibly the greatest lie in the history of man. In order for Western civilization to extract itself from the bog of crises into which it is currently sinking, it must eventually come to terms with the intellectual rot that has permeated its foundations. One manifestation of that rot, less obvious than, say, Keynesian economics, is the pseudoscience of “psychology,” embodied in the Therapeutic-Industrial Complex (TIC).
The preaching and practise of psychology in the West, lo these last hundred years or so, is a natural outgrowth of Progressive ideology, which exalts the degenerate while attacking the productive and well-constituted. The TIC brings this maneuver down to the micro level, destabilizing and paralyzing the individual from within his own mind. Not satisfied merely with destabilization of the political and economic realms, the Progressives have infiltrated the most intimate chambers of our private existence. This is accomplished with the aid of two primary tools, guilt and inversion. Guilt is as essential to the TIC as debt is to the fiat-based monetary system. Wait a minute, you say; doesn’t psychotherapy release us from our burden of puritannical guilt, all that sexual and potty stuff? Perhaps, but that’s small potatoes compared to the guilt loaded onto us by the selfsame soul robbers. Guilt, guilt, guilt. The skilled pracitioners of the TIC construct an archeological dig within your memory banks, to find shards of ancient guilt that had been buried forever. And even if that shard cannot initially be reimagined in its original form, your friendly neighborhood ego-crusher will weave a wondrous tale, so that the image of the original full-sized mental pot or jug becomes crystal clear to the victim. If this sounds like witchcraft, that’s because it is. The more normal and sane you are, the worse the guilt weighs upon you. This is partially a function of conscience; better-quality people tend to be more self-critical. But it is also due to inversion, another major tool of the brain leeches. The natural order of society is inverted: normal is considered sick whereas mentally ill—the real kind—is considered perfectly normal. Ask your TIC representative how the American Psychological Association views transvestites, compared to, say, 1965. Now contrast this with the “treatment” of energetic and mischievous (i.e., normal) little boys. You’re sick, I’m sick, we’re all sick; the world is just one giant hospital (and they run it). You are guilty of all sorts of transgressions that you “suppressed” since birth. Don’t fret, says the TIC, there are ways to confront and process that guilt. Overwhelmed? That’s okay, we’re here to help! What are we to do with this parasitical class, this latter-day Carthaginian priesthood? Mao had the solution: send them to the fields! [Related: see my post of 12/13/24, Homeless Nation.] |
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March 2025
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