All eyes are on Donald Trump as he moves into the White House for his second term as president. Expectations are high that he and his associates will be able to resuscitate a once-great nation that has fallen into disarray. We are all breathing a huge sigh of relief, as if waking from a nightmare. No matter what Trump & Co. are able (or not able) to accomplish, we dodged a bullet. Even in the waning days of the Biden regime, the scoundrels demonstrated on a daily basis the depth of their depravity. Never has America been subjected to the rule of such wretched swine.
There have been signs of life in the body politic, as the nation shakes off its chains. One example is the shunning of Woke ideology in the corporate world. Another is legislative initiatives that seek to restore integrity to our broken election process. Despite the encouraging trend, we cannot be complacent. The road to recovery has only just begun. We must applaud whenever positive steps are taken by the new administration, but push back whenever they stray from effective tactics. Foremost in our minds should be the words of that shrewd observer of the political scene, Curtis Yarvin: “Progressives do not believe in the American system of government, only in power. Conservatives do not believe in power, only in the American system of government. Therefore, progressives always win and conservatives always lose.” Never forget this profound insight, not for a minute. The Left is all about power, and they will do everything and anything to attain and hold it. Unfortunately, too many Conservatives view them as the “opposition” (albeit one that is increasingly unhinged) with whom we engage in debate and rational discourse. Does anyone really think it is possible to “reach across the aisle,” to have a rational discussion with the lunatics that spearhead the Democratic Party? They are at war with European civilization, and view it as an enemy to be annihilated. To borrow a phrase from Nietzsche, we let them become our priesthood when we should have been building madhouses for them. If one side wages war, the other must respond appropriately or face defeat. I have previously written about several requirements of this appropriate response; for example, imposing severe consequences, especially prison time, as a punishment and deterrent for Leftist criminality and treason. I now wish to elucidate an additional requirement: the avoidance of blind alleys, rabbit holes, and wild goose chases. Our side has pursued many of these, and the Left is only too happy to assist us in this labor. “Point at a deer and call it a horse,” as the Chinese say. Following are a few of these counterproductive pursuits. Some are total fiction; some are half-truths; some are merely inconsequential. All are wastes of time, energy, and money. All prevent us from concentrating on the true sources and mechanics of Leftist power. Constant awareness of these traps is critical, as the Left will surely exploit every possible weakness in order to sabotage America’s renaissance. 1. The sky is falling. This category of wild goose chase includes UFOs, drones, spy balloons, chemtrails, and weather control. Sometimes I feel as if we’re living in a cheesy 1950s sci-fi flick. Does anyone remember these things more than two weeks after the initial huffing and puffing dies down? Classic fearmongering and don’t-look-here-look-there. 2. The man behind the curtain. Some among us think they are being sophisticated by insisting that, for any outrage from the Left, there is ultimately some small clique pulling the strings behind the scenes. The people you see, so goes the story, are merely puppets. Now, of course there are big fish and little fish, officers and soldiers, opinion-makers and useful idiots. But the argument is carried to extremes. Whenever you point to a powerful person who has caused significant damage, well, “he’s just a pawn.” No matter how high up the food chain, there is always an unnamed Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. The result of this line of thinking: We are hindered from focusing our efforts. A variant of the man-behind-the-curtain rabbit hole is “all wars are bankers’ wars.” When I hear this historically illiterate assertion, I can’t help thinking of two primitive tribes battling it out in the Kalahari Desert or the rain forests of the Amazon. The people who are mouthing this gibberish are usually well-intentioned folk who are overly focused on the financial and banking system. Once again, if you zoom in on a bad actor high up in the financial world, you'll be told that “he’s just a puppet; the central banks control everything.” No, they don’t. Powerful, yes; all-powerful, no. 3. The one percenters. This amorphous statistical entity is supposedly the cause of numerous ills. The allegations, however, are merely repackaged, reheated Marxist blather. In fact, whenever income percentile is cited as if it were some sort of ethnic group, the alarm bells should be ringing. It is a prime example of, to use the Marxist term of art, false consciousness. The Leftist Establishment does of course include plenty of ultra-wealthy individuals, but it also counts among its key personnel many who are not in that category. Conversely, many people with deep pockets are in our camp, or at least willing to “play ball.” 4. Q-Anon, “trust the plan,” 4d chess, etc. If, God forbid, as in Trump 1.0 things turn sour, may we have the strength to look reality in the eye, and not comfort ourselves by believing in fantasy worlds, some of which are of dubious origin. 5. Bitcoin. An enormous reservoir of anti-Establishment energy was squandered on the blind alley of crypto-currency. We all witnessed the endless parade of young “influencers,” with a twinkle in their eye, who tried to explain to us old geezers how their electronic messiah was going to usher in the Libertarian paradise. What can you expect from a generation that grew up with computer screens more familiar to them than their mother’s face? Anyone with a rudimentary command of logic could see that this paean to nothingness was going to end badly. Whether Bitcoin was a preplanned Deep State psy-op, or they simply hopped on the bandwagon, the early promise of an escape from government control has evaporated, leaving nothing but raw greed in its place. Let us hope that the pro-Bitcoin proposals coming from Mr. Trump were just so much campaign rhetoric, and soon will be shelved. Wowie-zowie tech stuff, such as muh Blockchain, is not going to defeat the Left. Stick to the basics. 6. Ultra-processed foods. Certainly, many ingredients and processes involved in food production are hazardous to our health, but going too far down this path deflects our attention from the immediate and drastic threats to our food supply. These are, first and foremost, mRNA-based genetic manipulation, as well as the destruction of livestock on the pretext of “bird flu” or some such hysteria. I trust that RFK Jr. and his lieutenants are fully aware of the situation, and will act swiftly and decisively. 7. Gain of function. One of the most difficult things for a person to admit is that he was played for a sucker. Almost all of our people realize that the secondary effects of the scamdemic were atrocious: lockdowns, destruction of small business, fiscal and monetary incontinence, masks, social distancing, etc. A smaller but still significant number acknowledge the lethal nature of the jabs. But far too few could resist the myth that some horrible new disease was spreading like wildfire through the population. The Left has gleefully exploited this propaganda victory, deflecting our potential scrutiny onto narratives of Chinese conspiracies, lab leaks, gain of function, withholding Ivermectin, and other irrelevant sideshows. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the real psy-op, at the heart of the scamdemic, scurry off into the darkness. Consider for example the decision-makers in mass media, who dutifully disseminated, in lock-step, the fabricated “science” coming out of the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex. Their preemptive response to potential accusations of malfeasance: CHINA! LAB LEAKS! FAUCI LET THE COOTIES OUT! No, what Fauci did was to serve as the kind, grandfatherly face of what was possibly the greatest lie in the history of man.
In yet another outrage from the scorched-earth Biden regime, the low-lifes running the White House awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to (among others) Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Bestowing this high honor on the Wicked Witch of the West borders on the comical, but laying the ribbon around the neck of Soros is one of the most brazen middle fingers that the outgoing criminal cabal has ever thrust in America’s face.
This act is further indication, as if we needed it, that the cabal has no fear. Why should they; if everything proceeds as it has in the past, then the change of administration is for them just a temporary blip. Here is the likely thought process of a Jake Sullivan or a Karine Jean-Pierre as they box up their coffee makers and dog photos: After leaving the White House, I’ll get a cushy job at the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, or some other think tank or NGO. Periodic interviews on CNN to spice things up. Come January 2029 (or sooner, if we eliminate Literally Hitler), I can complete the round trip back to my old desk, or a better desk somewhere else within the Beltway. Conservative media is always chock full of assertions that so-and-so Swamp dweller is running scared, worried stiff that his time is up. These declarations are often heard after some atrocious mischief has been uncovered. All well and good, but you can expose Deep State wrongdoing until the cows come home, and it simply does not matter to these people. You are publicizing behavior of which they are proud. Scathing commentary and shocking exposés do, however, provide important information to our side. It gives us more ammunition to fight the propaganda battles, and it helps convince people who are on the fence. But it will not halt Leftist criminality and treason. Remember 2016, and “lock her up”? Do we really think that Madame Clinton was shaking with trepidation upon hearing those words? When the threat was exposed as mere bluster, her fame and status among the “elite” increased by leaps and bounds. She became an even stronger role model for countless Woke harridans. And now to top it off, the Freedom medal. (Another prestigious institution bites the dust. When these creeps are mentioned in the same breath as “freedom,” it reminds me of Yasir Arafat receiving the Nobel “Peace” Prize.) Only one thing will stop the Left: consequences. Brutal, real-world consequences for their malfeasance. This means, first and foremost, prison time. Obviously, nothing of the sort occurred during Trump’s first term. On the contrary, it looked like the sequel to Night of the Living Dead, with the zombies rising from their graves. I am hoping that this time will be different. But if no one wears the orange jumpsuit within six months of the inauguration, we will know that it’s business as usual in the Swamp. There would be nothing to disincentivize their psychopathic behavior. Why change their ways? They may be crazy, but they’re not stupid. Perhaps the Harridan-in-Chief will finally come out of the closet and declare that she’s a man. Then she can share a jail cell with her buddy George. There is great anticipation in the land, that the incoming Trump administration will set aright the capsizing ship of state. I examined this topic in my post of 12/9/24; now I would like to expand the discussion beyond the boundaries of the merely governmental.
There is a tendency among the forces of the Right to be fixated on the political realm, particularly the Executive branch of the Federal government, as the source of salvation. I have no doubt that this domain is quite important, but it does not have primacy. The Left understands this full well. They know that fundamental change, including in the political sphere, is the end result of cultural shifts. Remember the “long march through the institutions”? That was the Left’s gradual, patient, decades-long subversion of the culture. And it worked. Let us recall the domains in which the Left overthrew the existing structures, and ousted the last vestiges of sanity: criminal justice; primary/secondary education; art; movies; academia; medical; economy/finance; race relations; to name just a few. The Obama/Biden regime is the logical outcome of this process. It could hardly be otherwise. Can it now be overturned and expunged by a change of president and other high-level government personnel? I submit that it cannot. To be sure, many emergency fixes can be made. I do not wish to downplay their importance. I will be the first to applaud if, for example, all illegal aliens are deported from the country. This is essential to national survival. It is unrealistic, however, to expect that Trump and his associates are the people who can accomplish the required deep cleaning. They are liberals (in the classic sense) who have been “mugged by reality”; who are horrified at the excesses of the Left. They can apply the emergency fixes, but they are not equipped philosophically to lead us into the promised land. That work will remain to be accomplished by others. As a case study, consider Elon Musk. His support for Donald Trump, and his purchase and decensoring of Twitter, were laudable actions. But if he were a true cultural leader and visionary, he would go much further. He would confess that Tesla is a monstrous grift based on one of the biggest lies in the Left’s pantheon of big lies: the Global Warming/Green Energy myth. Musk would then convert the Tesla operation to the production of simple, $10K internal-combustion cars, sell the company, and use the funds to set up a movie studio that is bigger than all of Hollywood combined. The first film to be produced would be a Jason Bourne sequel, this time with the CIA plotting a coup d’état against a conservative U.S. president. Next step for Musk: Become the leading benefactor at the top five art museums in the country. Use that position of power to clean out the “contemporary” filth, replace curators and executives as necessary, and restore American art to its former elevated status. MAGA: Make Art Great Again. Now back to reality: Let us not live under the illusion that this monumental task can be delegated to one individual, namely Mr. Trump, and that’s that. The responsibility for cleaning out the rot has devolved upon each of us, every man in his respective domain. We must overcome, however, the propensity of our side to non-involvement in such affairs. Folks on the Right tend to be engaged in productive economic pursuits, as well as family, religion, and other “normal” activities. They are not, by nature, political animals. The Left has a huge advantage in this area, having armies of people whose religion is Wokeism, and who are willing to devote their lives to the cause. The Right builds, the Left tears down. An ancient template. When institutions are conquered by the Left, they become platforms to pillage and ruin what came before. Educational institutions become a tool to destroy education. Artistic institutions destroy art. And so on. Now it is time for us to do some destruction of our own—creative destruction, to return those institutions to their true roles. We need smart and preferably young people to attain key positions in education, the arts, and other areas in which opinions are formed and culture is determined. Ideally, the big guns like Musk could jump-start this process. When this is in place, we can speak truth to power, and solve the dilemmas plaguing our society. Since November 5th, the blogosphere has been abuzz with the question, can President Trump and his associates prevent the Titanic from sinking? Like everyone else, I felt a rush of excitement and optimism after the election. For various reasons, however, my optimism has been tempered (though not eliminated). To sum it up: I’ll believe it when I see it.
Western civilization is in free fall. There are vast forces at work, larger than life, possibly biblical in scope. This means that the task of saving the West is nothing short of monumental. Many on our side, “conservatives” for lack of a better term, live in a fairyland where America is a constitutional republic, essentially resembling the framework of 1950, but with a few harsh problems that need to be addressed. They think that these problems can be solved within the legacy political structures and rules of procedure. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible. Conservatives believe that policy disputes can be resolved, as in 1950, through open debate and the marketplace of ideas. They fail to comprehend that the Left has declared war on us, and they pay no heed to such things. Thus we witness the pathetic spectacle of influential conservative websites filled with articles about such-and-such congressman or pundit verbally “destroying,” in a congressional hearing or media interview, some spokesman of the Deep State. As if this would cause the “destroyed” person to alter his behavior in the slightest. The conservative seems not to realize that talk, debate, articles, speeches, reasoning, logic, shame, integrity, etc. have no impact whatsoever on the other side. Will the Trump administration take the necessary steps to impose accountability and consequences on the criminals currently running the country? Will they merely be “fired,” or will they go to jail? This is a decisive test. If no one is sent to prison within, say, six months of the new administration, then we may declare “business as usual,” and watch as the Swamp rolls merrily along. Another test will be the ability to rein in the clown show going by the name of “judiciary.” For decades now, they have been legislating from the bench, striking down government policy at whim while inventing new legal principles that have no basis in law. What will Border Czar Tom Homan do when a federal judge decides he doesn't like a deportation order, and nullifies it? Will Mr. Homan still retain his pitbull persona and ignore the illegal nullification, or will he hold a press conference and vow to appeal, gee whiz by golly, “all the way to the Supreme Court”? A further test, this one in the realm of health policy, was suggested by the investment guru Edward Dowd. In an interview with Neil Oliver, they pondered the likelihood of the government being able to impose accountability and consequences on the perpetrators of the Covid crimes. Dowd’s test was that all mRNA-based “vaccines” be recalled from the market within six months of the new administration. If this happens, we have hope that consequences are on the way. If not, then we know it’s business as usual. [In the Dowd interview, fast forward to 44:04 for this topic. But I recommend watching the whole thing. You'll get to hear about Dowd's impressive statistical analysis of excess death and disability following the rollout of the jabs.] Ultimately, our fate will be decided by the current power struggle among competing factions of America’s “elites.” Donald Trump was able to win the election, adequately suppressing the voting shenanigans of the Democrats, by virtue of his backing by a disenchanted segment of the Establishment. The grass-roots MAGA crowd is insignificant compared to the elite faction that ensured the victory. RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, their less visible peers, and even Trump himself, are old-style liberals who are horrified by the excesses of the Left. These are smart people; they know that America and the West are collapsing, in every domain. They believe that they can manage that collapse, and roll Leftist practise back to 1980 or so, the latest date at which the zeitgeist could reasonably be called “liberal,” in the classic sense of the word. To that I say: if only. But I fear that they, as well as the conservatives, underestimate the odious nature of the Deep State, and its utter lack of restraint. By contrast, the habitual restraint of the American “right wing” is, and will continue to be, interpreted as weakness to be exploited. If Trump & Co. succeed—patching the hull of the Titanic and towing her to port—we may be fortunate enough to see a tolerably livable country. But to truly save the West, and ignite any kind of renaissance, the entire rotten edifice of collectivist ideology must be discredited. This means uprooting its most fundamental myths, first and foremost equality. |
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