The Trump Administration has skillfully wielded the chainsaw against the outrageous excesses of the Left, throughout the vast machinery of the Deep State. These moves have been decisive, vigorous, and rapid.
One task that remains to be addressed, however, is the undoing of the Scamdemic. The only action of significance, as far as I know, is that the military has reinstated and compensated those who refused the mRNA death shots. But beyond this, I can’t recall any newsworthy measures. Did I miss something? Perhaps RFK Jr. and associates are hatching a big event, but one would expect at least a preliminary announcement, or one of those cozy signing/press conference sessions at the White House. So far, no investigations, no indictments, no fines, no prison. All those involved in a crime against humanity are walking around free, and in many cases, working diligently on their next assault. This was apparent, for example, in the ridiculous “Stargate” press conference of January 21, in which Larry Ellison boasted of a new round of mRNA “vaccines,” this time to cure cancer, no less. Perhaps it would be too much to ask, if a commission of inquiry could be convened to investigate the multiple levels of fraud and malfeasance involved in the original fabrication and dissemination of the SARS-CoV-2 mythology. But at a minimum, punish the instigators of the lockdowns and the murderous hospital protocols, and above all, the criminals responsible for the injections of poison that killed and maimed millions. In my post of 12/9/24, I cited Edward Dowd, who asserted that if all mRNA “vaccines” are not recalled from the market within six months of the inauguration, then we may conclude that Big Pharma is too big to touch, and/or that the country cannot handle the truth, and life will go on as if nothing happened. Well, we are admittedly still far from the six-month mark, but the lack of activity is not encouraging. Even less encouraging is an op-ed at Fox News penned by RFK Jr., in which he suddenly becomes a vaccine advocate, to fight the measles "outbreak" in Texas. In a stunning about-face reminiscent of the Scamdemic playbook, he tells us that "vaccines not only protect individual children from measles, but also contribute to community immunity, protecting those who are unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons." Huh? Was this article ghost-written by Dr. Fauci? We must not allow the Scamdemic to be forgotten. No consequences = no accountability = no deterrent against similar crimes in the future.
It seems that the career of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, otherwise known as Pope Francis, is drawing to a close. Bergoglio has managed to do an excellent imitation of a pope, a sinecure that enabled him to push the woke and Globalist agenda worldwide, these past twelve years. He is a textbook case of infiltrating an organization in order to subvert it.
I will always remember Bergoglio for his impressive 2016 publicity stunt, in which he washed the feet of some Third World savages who were imported into Europe to destroy Western civilization. Well, this neo-Marxist piece of trash will have all of eternity to ponder his complicity in the ongoing stabbing attacks across the continent, not to speak of all the other mayhem. I have a suggestion for his handlers: Before Bergoglio goes to his resting place in the underworld, administer the PCR test to His Holiness. Then it can be announced that “the Pope died of Covid.” What a splendid finale to his illustrious career! Martyrdom to top it all off! As more and more of the business of life is conducted electronically, one might be tempted to pause and consider the advisability of this trend. I believe that in most cases, the abandonment or minimization of in-person contact is detrimental to the future health of mankind.
Our species has a deep need for community, and the online world is a cheap substitute for the real item. Think of the small town or urban neighborhood of yesteryear. Its beating heart is Main Street, the primary thoroughfare of commerce, where flesh-and-blood humans interact to meet each other’s basic needs. They exchange physical money for physical goods; a value-for-value transaction occurs. Meanwhile, the humans speak to each other, cementing the bonds of community. Even the most trivial small talk helps to fulfill this function. This is one reason why using cash is so important. Granted, our fiat currency is a pale derivative, far removed from real money. Nevertheless, some-thing at least is being exchanged. Cash is a key vestige of meaningful human interaction in commerce. This is gone when you interract with a screen, avoiding the direct transfer of an object of value to the person with whom the transaction is made (if a person is even present). Returning now to the small town/urban neighborhood model: Expanding outward from the commerce of Main Street, we see schools, churches, playgrounds, parks, stadiums, courts, and the private offices of physicians. All of these are the scene of face-to-face encounters, most involving (gasp) actual physical contact. Schools, universities, and the learning of trades can never complete their mission in an online environment. Sure, via a computer screen a person can accumulate facts, but not craft. Craftsmanship, including in the white-collar world, can be acquired only from live human interaction. One must see the trade being practised, and receive on-the-spot feedback for one’s own tentative efforts. This is why true experts almost always had a tutor, mentor, master, or coach to guide them in the early days, and even throughout their careers. Let us take a step back from this later stage of education, and consider child-rearing. The creation of offspring is obviously a physical, in-person act, but so is proper upbringing. Once again, only live human role models can do the job. Integrity, character, honesty, etc. cannot be transmitted on line. My heart breaks when I see a parent giving a child, often a very small one, a screen of some kind to play with. I wonder whether this phenomenon contributes to the plague of autism-like behavior among our youth. We lament the rise of loneliness and alienation in our society. The causes are many and varied, but part of the story is surely the factors cited above. Of all the manifestations of the dehumanized society, one that is emblematic, in my mind, is “working from home.” Very few individuals possess the maturity and intelligence to work effectively in this manner. For the vast majority, it is the adult equivalent of playing hooky. This computer-age farce contributes to the angst that sits on us like a heavy fog. The infamous lockdowns, along with other totalitarian measures, led to the normalization of “working” from home. The bonds of human society were degraded. Small business was dealt a blow. Feelings of alienation were exacerbated. The building of real community, from out of the miasma that is contemporary Western civilization, would require the curtailment of lawlessness on our city streets. It also would require the restoration of freedom of association. I will cover this concept in a separate post. "Vaccine worship looks like religious worship...I take a drug, put the word vaccine on it, and magically and miraculously it's perfect, like it came directly from God."
— Robert Barnes Alongside the much-deserved praise and optimism voiced during the first days of the Trump Administration, it is imperative to sound the alarm over the new “Stargate” project. One cannot possibly overstate the threat posed by this enormous AI initiative, which has an insidious “medical” component.
At his press conference of January 21st, the President stood beside the three principals of Stargate: Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle; Sam Altman, of OpenAI; and Masayoshi Son, of Softbank. We are informed that this consortium will cough up $500 billion to finish construction of ten enormous (half-million square foot) AI data centers in Texas. In my post of 1/15/2025, I outlined the reasons why AI is a boondoggle that will accelerate the deterioration of our society. This is bad enough, and I am dismayed to see our President lending his prestige to this effort. In the case of Stargate, however, the danger far exceeds the adverse impact of AI alone. The press conference opens with a tedious round of mutual adoration; pie-in-the-sky declarations of this great boon to humanity; how wonderful it is that America is taking the lead; the hundreds of thousands of jobs to be created; and other nauseating blather. The fun begins at the 4:25 mark, when Larry Ellison takes the floor. This ghoulish creep tells us that Stargate will bring us untold benefits in the medical arena. (My antennae spring up when hearing that word.) Apparently, it will exponentially swell the reservoir of “electronic health records.” Did you perhaps think that we’re already drowning in electronic health records? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Stargate will create databases that will log and analyze every health event of the entire population—all to “help doctors understand their patients” and to conjure up “better healthcare plans.” What, even better than Obamacare? Not to be outdone by the repulsive Ellison or the clownish Masayoshi Son, Sam Altman steps up to the podium. You could not invent a more cartoonish representation of the arrogant, uncultured, nouveau-riche tech billionaire. Dripping with fake sincerity, speaking in that faggy, uptalking, verbal fry, he boasts that Stargate will cure disease, ushering in a new era for humanity (there’s that word again). Cancer, particularly, will soon be a thing of the past. Altman steps away from the podium, and Ellison (at 10:05) asks for permission to expand on this topic. Now he lets the cat out of the bag. Cancer, so says Ellison, will finally be licked by means of a vaccine. “This is one of the most exciting things we’re working on,” he says, with palpable enthusiasm in his voice. Here’s how it works: “Little fragments of cancer tumors float around in your blood. So you can do early cancer detection. If you can do it using AI, you can do early cancer detection with a blood test and using AI to look at the blood test. Once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person—design a vaccine for every individual person that vaccinates them against that cancer. That mRNA vaccine, you can make that robotically, again using AI, in about 48 hours.” Gosh, why didn’t I think of that? A personalized mRNA death jab, forsooth. And a nice little robot makes it for you within 48 hours. Hmm…I wonder who might be tasked with manufacturing that potion…Could the name of the company possibly start with the letter P? And naturally they’ll have immunity from liability, because, you know, vaccines. Add a few more AI data centers, and maybe soon we’ll have instant dispensing of these poison concoctions. It could be a booth at Walgreen’s, completely automated of course, where you get your blood test, walk around the store for a few minutes, get called back to the booth, and receive your diagnosis and the corresponding mRNA-based genetic manipulation drug. “Would you like a pill or a gummy?” Winning! Is there a limit to the bloodlust of these psychopathic, globalist, post-human control freaks? The scamdemic wasn’t enough, it seems, to satisfy their craving for power and chaos. Seeing these lunatics alongside Trump, I couldn’t help remembering the scenes with Fauci & Co. in that other brazen attack on our society. Oh Lord, not again! This madness must be stopped immediately. RFK Jr., you’re wanted on the white courtesy phone. All eyes are on Donald Trump as he moves into the White House for his second term as president. Expectations are high that he and his associates will be able to resuscitate a once-great nation that has fallen into disarray. We are all breathing a huge sigh of relief, as if waking from a nightmare. No matter what Trump & Co. are able (or not able) to accomplish, we dodged a bullet. Even in the waning days of the Biden regime, the scoundrels demonstrated on a daily basis the depth of their depravity. Never has America been subjected to the rule of such wretched swine.
There have been signs of life in the body politic, as the nation shakes off its chains. One example is the shunning of Woke ideology in the corporate world. Another is legislative initiatives that seek to restore integrity to our broken election process. Despite the encouraging trend, we cannot be complacent. The road to recovery has only just begun. We must applaud whenever positive steps are taken by the new administration, but push back whenever they stray from effective tactics. Foremost in our minds should be the words of that shrewd observer of the political scene, Curtis Yarvin: “Progressives do not believe in the American system of government, only in power. Conservatives do not believe in power, only in the American system of government. Therefore, progressives always win and conservatives always lose.” Never forget this profound insight, not for a minute. The Left is all about power, and they will do everything and anything to attain and hold it. Unfortunately, too many Conservatives view them as the “opposition” (albeit one that is increasingly unhinged) with whom we engage in debate and rational discourse. Does anyone really think it is possible to “reach across the aisle,” to have a rational discussion with the lunatics that spearhead the Democratic Party? They are at war with European civilization, and view it as an enemy to be annihilated. To borrow a phrase from Nietzsche, we let them become our priesthood when we should have been building madhouses for them. If one side wages war, the other must respond appropriately or face defeat. I have previously written about several requirements of this appropriate response; for example, imposing severe consequences, especially prison time, as a punishment and deterrent for Leftist criminality and treason. I now wish to elucidate an additional requirement: the avoidance of blind alleys, rabbit holes, and wild goose chases. Our side has pursued many of these, and the Left is only too happy to assist us in this labor. “Point at a deer and call it a horse,” as the Chinese say. Following are a few of these counterproductive pursuits. Some are total fiction; some are half-truths; some are merely inconsequential. All are wastes of time, energy, and money. All prevent us from concentrating on the true sources and mechanics of Leftist power. Constant awareness of these traps is critical, as the Left will surely exploit every possible weakness in order to sabotage America’s renaissance. 1. The sky is falling. This category of wild goose chase includes UFOs, drones, spy balloons, chemtrails, and weather control. Sometimes I feel as if we’re living in a cheesy 1950s sci-fi flick. Does anyone remember these things more than two weeks after the initial huffing and puffing dies down? Classic fearmongering and don’t-look-here-look-there. 2. The man behind the curtain. Some among us think they are being sophisticated by insisting that, for any outrage from the Left, there is ultimately some small clique pulling the strings behind the scenes. The people you see, so goes the story, are merely puppets. Now, of course there are big fish and little fish, officers and soldiers, opinion-makers and useful idiots. But the argument is carried to extremes. Whenever you point to a powerful person who has caused significant damage, well, “he’s just a pawn.” No matter how high up the food chain, there is always an unnamed Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. The result of this line of thinking: We are hindered from focusing our efforts. A variant of the man-behind-the-curtain rabbit hole is “all wars are bankers’ wars.” When I hear this historically illiterate assertion, I can’t help thinking of two primitive tribes battling it out in the Kalahari Desert or the rain forests of the Amazon. The people who are mouthing this gibberish are usually well-intentioned folk who are overly focused on the financial and banking system. Once again, if you zoom in on a bad actor high up in the financial world, you'll be told that “he’s just a puppet; the central banks control everything.” No, they don’t. Powerful, yes; all-powerful, no. 3. The one percenters. This amorphous statistical entity is supposedly the cause of numerous ills. The allegations, however, are merely repackaged, reheated Marxist blather. In fact, whenever income percentile is cited as if it were some sort of ethnic group, the alarm bells should be ringing. It is a prime example of, to use the Marxist term of art, false consciousness. The Leftist Establishment does of course include plenty of ultra-wealthy individuals, but it also counts among its key personnel many who are not in that category. Conversely, many people with deep pockets are in our camp, or at least willing to “play ball.” 4. Q-Anon, “trust the plan,” 4d chess, etc. If, God forbid, as in Trump 1.0 things turn sour, may we have the strength to look reality in the eye, and not comfort ourselves by believing in fantasy worlds, some of which are of dubious origin. 5. Bitcoin. An enormous reservoir of anti-Establishment energy was squandered on the blind alley of crypto-currency. We all witnessed the endless parade of young “influencers,” with a twinkle in their eye, who tried to explain to us old geezers how their electronic messiah was going to usher in the Libertarian paradise. What can you expect from a generation that grew up with computer screens more familiar to them than their mother’s face? Anyone with a rudimentary command of logic could see that this paean to nothingness was going to end badly. Whether Bitcoin was a preplanned Deep State psy-op, or they simply hopped on the bandwagon, the early promise of an escape from government control has evaporated, leaving nothing but raw greed in its place. Let us hope that the pro-Bitcoin proposals coming from Mr. Trump were just so much campaign rhetoric, and soon will be shelved. Wowie-zowie tech stuff, such as muh Blockchain, is not going to defeat the Left. Stick to the basics. 6. Ultra-processed foods. Certainly, many ingredients and processes involved in food production are hazardous to our health, but going too far down this path deflects our attention from the immediate and drastic threats to our food supply. These are, first and foremost, mRNA-based genetic manipulation, as well as the destruction of livestock on the pretext of “bird flu” or some such hysteria. I trust that RFK Jr. and his lieutenants are fully aware of the situation, and will act swiftly and decisively. 7. Gain of function. One of the most difficult things for a person to admit is that he was played for a sucker. Almost all of our people realize that the secondary effects of the scamdemic were atrocious: lockdowns, destruction of small business, fiscal and monetary incontinence, masks, social distancing, etc. A smaller but still significant number acknowledge the lethal nature of the jabs. But far too few could resist the myth that some horrible new disease was spreading like wildfire through the population. The Left has gleefully exploited this propaganda victory, deflecting our potential scrutiny onto narratives of Chinese conspiracies, lab leaks, gain of function, withholding Ivermectin, and other irrelevant sideshows. Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the real psy-op, at the heart of the scamdemic, scurry off into the darkness. Consider for example the decision-makers in mass media, who dutifully disseminated, in lock-step, the fabricated “science” coming out of the Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex. Their preemptive response to potential accusations of malfeasance: CHINA! LAB LEAKS! FAUCI LET THE COOTIES OUT! No, what Fauci did was to serve as the kind, grandfatherly face of what was possibly the greatest lie in the history of man. In my previous post, I wrote that Elon Musk should establish a movie studio that would produce alternative cinema, to challenge the longstanding dominance of the medium by the Left. The studio’s first film could be a sequel to the Jason Bourne series, this time with the CIA plotting a coup d’état against a conservative U.S. president.
Following are some further suggestions for movies that speak truth to power. Please feel free to add your own ideas in the comments. “The Butcher of Boulder” Liam Neeson once more plays his familiar role as the estranged father (or grandfather?) who must save his children from harm. In this incarnation of the role, he is a blue-collar guy living in Providence, Rhode Island. Life is fairly normal, until his wife becomes a lesbian, obtains a divorce, cleans him out financially, and is awarded custody of their only child, an eight year-old boy. She moves with the boy to Boulder, Colorado, and before long shacks up with another woman. After being denied visiting privileges, the father sells his last possessions to fund a move to a nearby town. After doing some undercover investigation, he discovers that the ex-wife and her girlfriend are about to bring the boy in for a sex-change operation. Liam must outwit the two women, the police, social workers, and the medical butchers, in order to save his son. The ensuing chase, involving multiple modes of transportation, ends in Uruguay, where Liam and the boy attain asylum. “The Broken Broker” Denzel Washington plays a stockbroker in Cleveland who is having a mid-life crisis. He decides to move to Portland, Oregon, to start a new life. Nearly every job interview in the new city results in a job offer, even when it is obvious that he is underqualified. In every case, the phony gushing over a black candidate is all too transparent. This makes Denzel feel humiliated and depressed. He buys a house, and sets up a home office for his own independent brokerage. When potential clients (both white and black) see him, most of them take their business elsewhere, assuming that he’s not really qualified. Denzel manages to eke out a living, and finds a supportive girlfriend. He becomes involved in the local Republican Party, concentrating his efforts on fighting DEI. After a number of spicy battles with political adversaries, Antifa burns down his house. He moves back to Cleveland with the girlfriend, and soon becomes the host of a right-wing radio program. “Jab Me Once, Jab Me Twice” In the darkest days of the scamdemic, a humble airline steward (played by Jared Leto) refuses to take the jab. He defies the airline, the FAA, and almost all of his friends and family. Everyone is amazed that such a mild-mannered man could confront the world in this manner. One day, just before boarding a plane, Jared is informed that he has been fired from his job. This will be his last flight. At thirty thousand feet, somewhere over Middle America, the pilot and co-pilot are gossiping about the steward, mocking him for being a “vaccine denier.” They share a good laugh. All of a sudden, the pilot has a heart attack and keels over. The co-pilot takes control of the aircraft, declares Mayday, and requests permission to land at the nearest suitable airport. But then he also has a heart attack, with terrible convulsions before his death. The stewardess screams; Jared rushes to the cockpit. He asks, over the PA system, whether there are any pilots on board. Silence from the cabin. Despite having no experience as a pilot, Jared rips off his Covid mask and begins to fly the plane. With guidance from air traffic control, the plane descends, in a nail-biting scene, to a bumpy but successful landing in a Nebraska wheat field. Jared becomes a national hero; his testimony before a Congressional committee leads to the cancellation of the killer jabs. “Seven Days in February” High officials in the Pentagon and State Department are attempting to start a nuclear war with Russia. They manage to pull off several minor but audacious attacks while planning the “big one,” a provocation so outrageous that the Russians will have no choice but to retaliate with everything they’ve got. The secret plans are discovered by a patriotic colonel, played by Matthew McConaughey. Being severely disabled from wounds suffered in Iraq, Matthew moves slowly, and is limited in what he can accomplish. On the verge of despair, he meets a young, intrepid female reporter, and together they blow the whistle on the whole affair. Nuclear war is averted. The Secretary of Defense and several other conspirators are imprisoned, and the President is impeached. Following up on my earlier post on Covid (11/30/24), I would like to share a few additional observations.
A calling card of the Left has always been the redefinition of terminology, so that words are transformed into a fundamentally altered, or even opposite, meaning. This tendency went into overdrive during the Covid campaign. For example, the term science. How many times have we heard “the science is settled,” or its variant, “a consensus has been reached among scientists.” This notion has been employed with great dexterity in the Global Warming scam, but in the Covidocracy it reached new (and dangerous) heights. Science is what we, the experts, say it is! And we declare that it is settled! This, of course, is the precise opposite of what science has always been taken to mean: an endless process of hypothesis, proof, new evidence, challenge, debate, new hypothesis, new experiment, etc. It can never be insulated from challenge and revision. If it did, it would be religion, not science. Another case of language rape is the word vaccine. My 1991 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as: “1: matter or a preparation containing the virus of cowpox in a form used for vaccination 2: a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease." [In other words, what every person in the world thought was a vaccine, before 2020. Here’s the current definition at Merriam-Webster:] "1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)" [So far so good, though they did sneak in “protein or toxin.” But then...] "b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)" [There you have it. A vaccine is whatever we say it is. And if that wasn’t bad enough, a few examples of usage are provided, including:] "Moderna's coronavirus vaccine … works by injecting a small piece of mRNA from the coronavirus that codes for the virus' spike protein. … mRNA vaccine spurs the body to produce the spike protein internally. That, in turn, triggers an immune response. —Susie Neilson et al. The revolutionary messenger RNA vaccines that are now available have been over a decade in development. … Messenger RNA enters the cell cytoplasm and produces protein from the spike of the Covid-19 virus. —Thomas F. Cozza Viral vector vaccines, another recent type of vaccine, are similar to DNA and RNA vaccines, but the virus's genetic information is housed in an attenuated virus (unrelated to the disease-causing virus) that helps to promote host cell fusion and entry. —Priya Kaur” Good grief. A related phenomenon is the abrupt about-face on a point of ideology. Consider the controversy surrounding the views of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on medical issues. The Left is up in arms over his nomination as Secretary of Health. But within recent memory, our Progressive masters were advocating a very similar approach. Not all that long ago, the Left would have asserted:
Well, all that went out the window when the Left realized that the Medical-Industrial Complex could be harnessed to its agenda. Go ahead, folks, take those pills and injections, eat the fake meat, wear a mask that traps your waste matter, whatever; it’s all safe and effective. Big Pharma has joined the pantheon of heroes, alongside our intrepid medical personnel, who will treat you at the hospital, even if you have the dreaded, unspeakable plague. In the immortal words of George Orwell, we have always been at war with Eastasia. Would it be an exaggeration to say that the Covid affair is a watershed event in world history? We have not even begun to unravel the implications of this brazen attack on humanity, quite possibly unprecedented in its scope.
There is still no single, definitive label for it. I’ve heard Covid, Covid-19, Coronavirus, the pandemic, the Covid-19 pandemic, SARS CoV2, plandemic, scamdemic, China flu, Wu Flu, and others I can’t recall. There are also a number of awkward circumlocutions, such as “when Covid hit.” Years from now, perhaps it will take decades, when the full extent of the scandal is acknowledged by all, we will settle on a single term that encompasses the entire atrocity in all its aspects and ramifications. This is a normal process. Only in retrospect can we gauge the true dimensions, and attach an accurate moniker. I doubt whether the French and German combatants in August 1914 already knew that they were fighting “World War I.” One indication of Covid’s significance and gravity is the reticence of many people to speak of it in public. Even at this late date, there exists censorship of alternate views, and the possibility of having one’s career wrecked for daring to utter words that threaten the "scientific consensus." It is clear that users of the words plandemic and scamdemic are cognizant of the purposive nature of the Covidocracy. Yet even here, there is usually hesitation to go all the way, and state unequivocally that the pandemic was entirely a psy-op. One can decry insane government policy (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, etc.) but still believe that a novel virus was on the loose. I believe that this is the approach, for example, of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President Trump’s pick to head the National Institutes of Health. Indeed, {nasty new virus + terrible policy} was the overall message of the Great Barrington Declaration, of which Bhattacharya was co-author. But there have been a few brave souls willing to speak truth to power, and uncover the full extent of the Covid horror. One of these great individuals is Michael Yeadon, the British whistleblower and former chief of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer. Early on, he took reports of the virus at face value, until it became clear to him that the whole narrative was ludicrous, from one end to the other. Yeadon now pulls no punches when exposing the mangled “scientific” research and computer simulations that first postulated a supposedly novel disease; the bogus PCR test; the deranged hospital protocols that murdered thousands of people; the mRNA genetic alteration drugs (“vaccines”) that have killed and maimed millions; and the connections between the Covid campaign and other aspects of the Globalist anti-human agenda (such as digital IDs and 15-minute cities). Let us not forget the gold standard, the American psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Kaufman, who to the best of my recollection was able, from day one, to cut through the fog of government and media manipulation. In his numerous interviews and podcasts, he methodically dismantles the Establishment narrative, piece by piece. Kaufman also traces the ideological antecedents of Covidians such as Bill Gates, and their extensive overlap with the eugenics and population-reduction crowd. Diametrically opposed to these titans is someone who uses the phrase “the Covid-19 pandemic” unironically. Here we likely have complete buy-in to the propaganda. A horrible disease has gripped Planet Earth, and only the herculean efforts of the brave scientists, healthcare workers, and government officials saved the human race from extinction. The evil vaccine-refusers threaten us all, and should be shunned and punished. Some of these people still wear the face diaper, and long for the good old days. For anyone studying the behavior of cults, these (literally) faceless automatons could easily provide several lifetimes worth of research material. A fascinating phenomenon is the use of the word Covid alone, with prolonged enunciation, and with a strong emphasis on the first syllable, so that it comes out COHHH-vid. This is said with a doleful face and a sorrowful voice. The tragedy of it all…O cruel world! Maybe you’ve heard a story like this: “Too bad about Henry. He had a heart attack, tried to drive himself to the ER, got in a wreck, fractured his skull, then an ambulance picked him up, on the way he had a stroke, at the hospital they put him on a heart-lung machine, keeping him alive for three days, but then…” [look of horror on person’s face] “…he died of COHHH-vid.” A variation on this theme is people who speak of “Long Covid,” with the same tragedy-laden facial expression and tone of voice. The words L o n g C o v i d are drawn out, in a fine theatrical flourish. “Last year Henry got his fifteenth booster, but it didn’t help; for the past six months, everything’s been wrong with him…doctors are baffled…L o n g C o v i d is a terrible thing.” The real struggle is against Long Idiocy. And it is an uphill battle. |
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March 2025
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