Would it be an exaggeration to say that the Covid affair is a watershed event in world history? We have not even begun to unravel the implications of this brazen attack on humanity, quite possibly unprecedented in its scope.
There is still no single, definitive label for it. I’ve heard Covid, Covid-19, Coronavirus, the pandemic, the Covid-19 pandemic, SARS CoV2, plandemic, scamdemic, China flu, Wu Flu, and others I can’t recall. There are also a number of awkward circumlocutions, such as “when Covid hit.” Years from now, perhaps it will take decades, when the full extent of the scandal is acknowledged by all, we will settle on a single term that encompasses the entire atrocity in all its aspects and ramifications. This is a normal process. Only in retrospect can we gauge the true dimensions, and attach an accurate moniker. I doubt whether the French and German combatants in August 1914 already knew that they were fighting “World War I.” One indication of Covid’s significance and gravity is the reticence of many people to speak of it in public. Even at this late date, there exists censorship of alternate views, and the possibility of having one’s career wrecked for daring to utter words that threaten the "scientific consensus." It is clear that users of the words plandemic and scamdemic are cognizant of the purposive nature of the Covidocracy. Yet even here, there is usually hesitation to go all the way, and state unequivocally that the pandemic was entirely a psy-op. One can decry insane government policy (masks, lockdowns, social distancing, etc.) but still believe that a novel virus was on the loose. I believe that this is the approach, for example, of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President Trump’s pick to head the National Institutes of Health. Indeed, {nasty new virus + terrible policy} was the overall message of the Great Barrington Declaration, of which Bhattacharya was co-author. But there have been a few brave souls willing to speak truth to power, and uncover the full extent of the Covid horror. One of these great individuals is Michael Yeadon, the British whistleblower and former chief of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer. Early on, he took reports of the virus at face value, until it became clear to him that the whole narrative was ludicrous, from one end to the other. Yeadon now pulls no punches when exposing the mangled “scientific” research and computer simulations that first postulated a supposedly novel disease; the bogus PCR test; the deranged hospital protocols that murdered thousands of people; the mRNA genetic alteration drugs (“vaccines”) that have killed and maimed millions; and the connections between the Covid campaign and other aspects of the Globalist anti-human agenda (such as digital IDs and 15-minute cities). Let us not forget the gold standard, the American psychiatrist Dr. Andrew Kaufman, who to the best of my recollection was able, from day one, to cut through the fog of government and media manipulation. In his numerous interviews and podcasts, he methodically dismantles the Establishment narrative, piece by piece. Kaufman also traces the ideological antecedents of Covidians such as Bill Gates, and their extensive overlap with the eugenics and population-reduction crowd. Diametrically opposed to these titans is someone who uses the phrase “the Covid-19 pandemic” unironically. Here we likely have complete buy-in to the propaganda. A horrible disease has gripped Planet Earth, and only the herculean efforts of the brave scientists, healthcare workers, and government officials saved the human race from extinction. The evil vaccine-refusers threaten us all, and should be shunned and punished. Some of these people still wear the face diaper, and long for the good old days. For anyone studying the behavior of cults, these (literally) faceless automatons could easily provide several lifetimes worth of research material. A fascinating phenomenon is the use of the word Covid alone, with prolonged enunciation, and with a strong emphasis on the first syllable, so that it comes out COHHH-vid. This is said with a doleful face and a sorrowful voice. The tragedy of it all…O cruel world! Maybe you’ve heard a story like this: “Too bad about Henry. He had a heart attack, tried to drive himself to the ER, got in a wreck, fractured his skull, then an ambulance picked him up, on the way he had a stroke, at the hospital they put him on a heart-lung machine, keeping him alive for three days, but then…” [look of horror on person’s face] “…he died of COHHH-vid.” A variation on this theme is people who speak of “Long Covid,” with the same tragedy-laden facial expression and tone of voice. The words L o n g C o v i d are drawn out, in a fine theatrical flourish. “Last year Henry got his fifteenth booster, but it didn’t help; for the past six months, everything’s been wrong with him…doctors are baffled…L o n g C o v i d is a terrible thing.” The real struggle is against Long Idiocy. And it is an uphill battle.
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