Have you ever noticed that the more woke a person is, the weaker his sense of humor? Leftist belief systems have an inverse correlation with humor; they cause an erosion of the mental faculties required for a humorous disposition.
Humor and woke are as oil and water. Comedy always makes fun of something or somebody. This means that “safe spaces” are being violated with extreme prejudice. Comedy also involves the use of satire and irony, both noticeably lacking among our Leftist friends. How can irony thrive within the soul of a person who looks at a transvestite, and, with a straight face, claims that this is really a woman? Granted, sense of humor is lacking among the majority of the population, of any ideological bent. This is because exercising the art requires a solid foundation of intelligence. Humor is how intelligent people amuse themselves, and relieve the tension in their brains caused by the unending swirl of thoughts and questions. An open-minded fellow of above-average intelligence will tend to see multiple sides to any given situation, predisposing him to sniff out irony. A left-leaning individual of reasonable intelligence may begin to feel the urge to laugh—real belly laughter, the kind that comes only from violating a safe space—but his wrongthink filter (self-censorship) is activated, and the urge is suppressed. We have all seen this on someone’s face, when the soupçon of a grin appears, only to be followed by a disapproving frown when he suddenly realizes that a commandment of the holy order of wokeness is being disobeyed. As intelligence declines, as it has in the West for decades (and at an accelerating pace), humor falls further into disfavor, shunned by morons everywhere. When garden-variety idiocy is combined with wokery, the laughter muscles atrophy. Will the inbreeding of these humanoids over the next couple of generations result in the physical inability to produce an ironic grin? In classic comedy, the joke-maker uses the moron as a foil, a role known as the “straight man.” This is what President Trump does in much of his interaction with the battalions of humorless Leftist (but I repeat myself) “journalists” who wouldn’t recognize satire if it punched them in the face. But there are so many of them, and their handiwork is so prevalent, it often seems that they rule the culture. They do, for the time being, but that supremacy is a mile wide and an inch deep. There are cracks in the edifice. Turning the Left into the butt of our jokes is one element of the cultural, artistic, and intellectual revival that is a prerequisite to the survival of Western civilization. Satire is a weapon that our side has in abundance, and which the Left does not understand, let alone possess. But the successful use of that weapon carries with it an important caveat: It must come on the heels of vigorous exercise of authority on the ground, of real state power; for example, the complete purging of illegal aliens from the territory of the United States. At that point, when CNN interviews a top government official, he can crack jokes that make the interviewer look like the dunce that he is. This will have no immediate effect on the woke “journalist,” as this species has no comprehension of satire, and no capacity for feeling shame. The viewers at home, however, will see this as a victory dance, driving the stake further into the heart of the Leftist vampire. But here’s the caveat: if authority on the ground has not been achieved, the viewers may very well see the use of humor as the pathetic squirming of defeat. Currently there is a feeling in America that we can dismantle the Woke grift apparatus: diversity, the institutionalization of sexual deviancy, the victim shakedowns, the Climate-Industrial Complex, etc. If and when these scams are smashed, we have to prevent their reemergence. The use of mockery will help seal the deal, leading to a zeitgeist in which people are embarrassed to propose the consideration of even the tiniest sliver of such madness. Keep those jokes coming; do not relent. If nothing else, it will help us maintain our own sanity.
Moggy Gallery
2/8/2025 06:05:56 pm
Most of my past has been aping Gracie Allen to George Burns. Lately I get blank stares for my performances instead of laughs. Now I know why.
AWOL Civilization
2/8/2025 06:43:13 pm
I feel your pain. In the Before Times, one could usually engage in mildly amusing banter with random strangers. This has become increasingly difficult.
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